In honor of Halloween, All Saints Day and Samhain, I decided to dress my characters up a bit. Having just
finished watching the fourth season of “The Avengers,” I found I just could not resist.
I was very pleased with how Ipola’s urttskin outfit came out. This is from the skins of several of her
Majesty’s enemies that she herself slew in days gone by. It’s been split and dyed to make the attractive
garments you see. It’s also a public statement of her own badassery and the fate of those who would
make war on the Moon Tribe.
Sorry I missed putting up the July calendar. July was a VERY busy month, but here is a Summer graphic – Fun to do, hope it makes you smile. Vito 40 years ago with a guest out of time and place – or is it just an Otherwhen fantasy?
There was a request for this in a decent wallpaper resolution. So, since I do like the image, and since it was just lying around …
So, at the request of a couple of readers, here is a higher-rez version of the central panel of page 272. Enjoy.
I wanted to revisit one of the early scenes in the streets of Normos, now that I have some new toys to play with …
I know some of you are impatient to see Tula again, so I thought that, as you’re waiting, you might like to see the young priestess a couple years ago, practicing one of the small enchantments …
This was supposed to be a very sexy and revealing number for the Hot Stuff Gallery. And it still may be, but I got done with it, and I saw that there was nothing that couldn’t be put on broadcast TV.
So — here it is.
Sorry. Just feeling very silly.
Just fooling with Poser 7 and my new tablet. Came out a little Frazetta, huh? Okay – just a little.
So – what do we know about this guy? Not a hell of a lot.
Yes, he’s some kind of magickal wise guy. He’s in between engagements, existentially speaking.
And … ?
Anyway, I was just farting around and this came out so nice I had to put it up in the gallery.
Y’know, I’m actually quite pleased that this silly-ass fantasy seems to appeal to gals as well as cases of male arrested development like myself.
And I thought about it, and darn it, Mentl is pretty sexy in his own way, and after a few weeks on the road of constant physical exertion and a
diet of natural foods, he’s not exactly Schwarzennegar, but he’s in pretty good shape for a little guy. I thought I’d give the ladies something to look at.
Given that I’ve always shown Zona, who is essentially a Northern gal from the high country of Erogenia, in her Spring or Summer togs, and given that it’s nearly Solstice, I thought I’d have some fin with fur.
I just like my comic-romantic heros – to see them in a nice, romantic clinch is fun. Hope it doesn’t bore you guys too much.
The Radically Advanced Genetic Enhancement project on Io turned out exceptional “spinoffs” of human DNA.
Meant for military applications, they were designed to have limited intelligence and hard-wired reflexes – no self-awareness.
Yet, even the most sophisticated genetic engineering can’t deal with the X-factor, and #59 rolled off the assembly line
somehow aware, intelligent, and royally pissed-off.
In the catacombs beneath the Temple Of Ras – Tah – Tooie, a young Erogenian Priestess sends some destructive energy up the bumhole of a particularly nasty giant Demon From The Otherwhen. Too bad for you guys he’s off- camera. I mean, he’s really awesome-looking. I’ll let you know when he finishes rendering
Self-Explanatory. R.A.G.E.59 doing what she’s designed to do.
She searched through the ancient fortress, looking feverishly but silently for her sister, stolen and sold into slavery by the Sandaks. A foolish guard challenged her, thinking he could take her alone. In an instant, she dispatched him..
See? That’s what you get when you enslave people and then slaughter and eat them like cattle.
They get cranky with you.
The exterior scene of the Bull Tribe on page 385 was pretty successful, and in answer to several requests, here is a full-resolution
version, sans dialogue.
A little call back to one of the original smutty find-your-path adventures: “Zona And The Children Of The Moon.”
A study using cloth simulation for her top.
I imagine that they posed for a random portrait artist while on the road.
Just a sketch of my favorite Themiscaran princess.
Some of these images actually look better in their original higher resolution.