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Next RegularUpdate on Wednesday – But …

Sorry kids.  I am working on a largish crowd scene for page 1052.  It will probably not be ready until tomorrow at earliest.

However, for my Patreon patrons, there is a scene with our lovers that takes care of one of my little loose threads.  Alas, I got tired of

being clever so there’s no attempt to hide their nudity, so I had to put it on the Patreon site.  Don’t worry, though.  It’s not necessary to enjoy the next regular page.

But it’s just one of the things I add every week to reward those who help Zona out. 🙂A man and woman are sitting on the ground.



Warmest regards,



Over Fifty patrons! Awesome!

You people are wonderful, and today we crossed a bit of a threshold and have now more than fifty patrons who are helping us get to the ever-nearer goal of ten thousand bucks for the Zona animated demo and then beyond to a series!

Thanks so very much.  All of you are important, and as an artist I feel everyone’s support, whether you can afford to be a patron on Patreon or not.  But because I’m feeling jaunty I thought I’d share something from the past that had not been posted before.   Going through my archives I came across a render of the luckless Ginsha I’m pretty sure I haven’t shared before.  Half-urtt woman, now masterless and mostly insane, I promise that there is a resolution in her future.


Thanks to all my patrons!


Warmest regards,




A person sitting in front of a fire