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RIP, Peter Tork.

When the world and I were young, just yesterday
Life was such a simple game a child could play

It was easy then to tell right from wrong
Easy then to tell weak from strong
When a man should stand and fight
Or just go along

But today, there is no day or night
Today, there is no dark or light
Today, there is no black or white
Only shades of gray

I remember when the answer seemed so clear
We had never lived with doubt, or tasted fear

It was easy then to tell truth from lies
Selling out from compromise
Who to love and who to hate
The foolish from the wise

But today, there is no day or night
Today, there is no dark or light
Today, there is no black or white
Only shades of gray

It was easy then to know what was fair
When to keep and when to share
How much to protect your heart
And how much to care

But today, there is no day or night
Today, there is no dark or light
Today, there is no black or white
Only shades of gray
Only shades of gray…

Valentine’s Day Sex Drive 2019

I was approached by some of my fellow Webcomic creators about a Valentine’s Day cross-promotion where we create sexy images of our characters and put them out there along with everyone else’s for Valentine’s Day.

“Sexy stuff!?” I cried, aghast, “With Zona? Heaven forfend!”

But after a little persuasion, I decided to go ahead and put one out there. Follow the links and see mine and everyone else’s.

Happy V-Day all!

Warm regards,


Two animated women are standing in the water.
Here is a censored version of mine. Follow the link to get to the full rez, uncovered version.

Valentine’s Day Sex Drive 2019

Stilldown - Theater Of The Bloody Tongue | Matt Burns - Skorgul Tales | Joseph O. Possum - Jack Legend | utzsar - Rocks | Inky - Ink Dolls | Amy Letts - Epic Fail | Sheryl Schopfer - Deer Me | Lou Graziani - Cy-Boar | Barry Linck - Phineus | Barry Linck - Phineus: Teen Wizard | Barry Linck - Phineus: Magician for Hire | hpkomic - RGBots | hpkomic - Cosmic Dash | Julie Devin - Monster Soup | J.E. Draft - The Challenges of Zona | Jaycee Knight - Bloomin’ Faeries | Peter Anckorn - By The Book | Jeremy Begin - After the Dream | The Blood Teller - Alvery Nerveaux’s Secret Case Files | Microraptor - Cryptida | Lirvilas - Bleach Blonde Valkyries of the Fourth Reich | Ebenezer Splooge - SFW Hentai | Ebenezer Splooge - Nine Tails of Titsune | Ebenezer Splooge - Mammazon | rulerbrain - Selling Smiles | Caley Tibbittz Collopy - SwordCat Knights | Andrew Hunter - Delve | Mark Egan - Bata Neart | Mark Egan - Back Office | Alli Perry - My Hero! | jeromatic - Planet Squad | jeromatic - Bunny Wiggins | Arne Cooper - The Androssian Prophecy | Marshall Reeves - Yesterday Bound | Sean Harrington – Spying With Lana | John Harrington - The Savage Sword of Sharona | Dizzaster Juice - WhiteOut | Dizzaster Juice - Offworld: The Crease | Zach Vanzile - West Tree Academy of Heroes | Ben Bourbon - Devilbear: The Grimoires of Bearalzebub | MonicaNG - MoonSlayer | yellowgerbil - Zoe the Vampire | Nick Greaves - The Great Isle of Prentil | Jacob Jones - Ayuri | Scott T. Hicken - Exiern: Dark Reflections | Scott T. Hicken - Exiern | Stef Marcinkowski - Sarah Zero