23 1980
23 1980

Light At The End Of the Tunnel – Page 1031

23 thoughts on “Light At The End Of the Tunnel – Page 1031

  1. Sunhenge? Moonhenge? What did I miss?

    1. “Sunhenge? Moonhenge? What did I miss?”

      You mean you don’t remember every last detail of “the homecoming” page?

      Look across the river at the double Pre-celtic-like Stonehenge set up for worship of the Moon Goddess.


      The “Sunhenge” is in a spot with lots more Sun, because of being further South (in the map from the old site) and from being in a desert climate.

    2. The Moonhenge is a sacred circle of standing stones in the Valley Of The Moon. See it featured in the chapter “Much Rejoicing” where our heroes spend an extended visit there before the Shtick Happens and Mentl runs back home.

      Warm regards,


  2. Ah, lovely, lovely exposition. 🙂
    I see that Zonn’s calling was so strong he even lifted from the ground.

    Tula looks very exited to hear about the sunhenge. My guess is she’ll want to see it as soon as possible. Perhaps it is mentioned in the old texts?

  3. Now, this, THIS is a damn good reason. 1500 completely helpless and desperate people completely dependent on you, and no viable way to return home even if that wasn’t true? Yeah. Zonn clearly deserves leniency here as abandonment and desertion were clearly NOT voluntary.

  4. Agreed, Lora. Tula looks… entranced. As though the Sunhenge is something she’s been searching for, perhaps without knowing it.

    Curiouser and curiouser.

    Also, Zona’s realizing she’s going to have to accept this. You know, I don’t think she would’ve before she had to lead her own troops. Funny how that worked out.

    1. Also, I was thinking more ‘Little Darlin’…’ Heh heh.

  5. Yeah, it’s looking more and more like Zonn really couldn’t come back. And may not be able (or willing) to return even now.

  6. Shuach possessed my body! hfdajks;lvjkd;a;bvjk;dahfdjabdjk;savhnjd;fabn;vnfhadjk;djsknhdjksabldsxlblbblbl

  7. Thanks to this page, I’ve learned that “altar” can refer to the table-like structure or to the raised area that surrounds it. Thanks!

    Also, I like the small detail that the arguably second-strongest warrior in Zonn’s band (the one closest to the dimetrodon-like creature, running with a hefty two-bladed axe to boot) is a woman. Giving another argument to this comic’s supporters in the neverending debate about its sexism.

    1. “Giving another argument to this comic’s supporters in the neverending debate about its sexism.”

      There’s a debate? About Zona? Where???? I wanna go and point and laugh!!!

      This is a comic that preserves a high continuity and clarity , in a story worth telling, while exposing art worth seeing, which is all a comic should be for!

      The local Intertel chapter in Portland has a lady who had a bust like Zona’s, and a mind like Tula’s, and found that all the “feminists” in her HS hated her for it, which made her properly skeptic of the feminism of the last 40 years. Debate is done between equals, and any people who criticize this comic for anything like sexism have no equals here, …they’re not good enough!

    2. Just noticed: …(the one closest to the dimetrodon-like creature, ….

      It *is* a dimetrodon,….hmmmm! And it seems to be referred to by Zonn as a “sudrac”. It *seems* possible for it to be related to the dragons in the same way monkeys are related to humans. That would indicate that if that is true, then the dragon lineage on Teria developed from something not too distant from dimetrodons. That would put them in the same lineage as mammals’ ancestors. Hmmmmm! What would that tell us about these Teria dragons???? Hmmmm!

      1. That this could be a potential post-apocalyptic Jurassic Park, and some mad scientist made a human-dragon hybrid which was the forerunner of the Urrts?

        1. “That this could be a potential post-apocalyptic Jurassic Park, and some mad scientist made a human-dragon hybrid which was the forerunner of the Urrts?”

          We could be more precise than “some mad scientist” on that score.


          The suvrem-urrnim, “the Makers”, were who did the deed.

          Still, that tells us little or nothing about the behaviors of dragons, especially their strengths and weaknesses, most especially in regards to keeping them as allies to Shuach.

  8. I’m going to guess that Moonhenge and Sunhenge are both built upon local magic points
    and that in the hands of a powerful enough wizard a gate could be opened between the two
    Meaning that Mentl and Tula should be capable of getting everyone back Home
    and opening the gate should reharmonize their magic to the local universe again.
    or vice versa, it will allow them to reharmonize their magic so they can open a gate to get back home.
    and this would also allow a backdoor for them to send a later army to attack the Urrt from behind

    1. Considering the blocked pass, rough terrain with a limited supply of edibles and most likely a few hundred miles to the Urts’ rear, you might not have a battle ready force to do the job. As the saying goes: “Amateurs do tactics, professionals do logistics.”

      1. The amateurs were fleeing from an army with no rations or supplies.
        You don’t sent an army without supplies.
        And an army is trained to deal with large animals in their world

      2. also don’t forget they have a very powerful wizard
        it would be child’s play to unblock the pass, or to level the entire mountain
        hell he could turn the entire desert into an oasis, a rainforest, an orchard,
        or even fields of ripe crops, or ready to harvest vineyards.
        Mentl could turn an entire mountain range into a garden of eden if he so wished.

  9. Place your bets on whether Zonn is now the High priest of the Erogenian Sun God… =D

  10. Heracles (Kevin) was never High Priest to Zeus, so why should Zonn become a High Priest to the Sun God? I’m still betting that the source of Zonn’s and Zona’s far higher strength and endurance than most Erogenians is that Zonn is a descendant of the Sun God, who looked so much like Zonn in the short story about Ipola gaining the Tower of the Moon, and that Zonn’s best bet today is to take Zona for an interview with “Grandfather”.

  11. Nasty looking Dimetrodon in frame 1. I wonder does it have a local name? It’s also cool to see some Mesozoic (or even earlier, like in this case) fauna around, like gonthargs that are evidently a kind of large theropod. 🙂 If I had been envisioning fantasy/sci-fi planets, I would’ve just taken Earth from different prehistoric periods as a template. 🙂

    1. Basically, these are like invasive species. Created or revived by the ancient Erogenian wizards from other times or imported from other dimensions. Most of them died out after the fall. A few, like the gonthargs and the dimetrodon-like critter above (of course it has a local name. Haven’t figured one out that sounds cool enough yet) adapted and out-competed the local species in their niche.

      This has been the Author’s Grand Rationalization for including monsters with models that were easily obtainable and can be used in both Poser3d and Daz Studio.

      Warm regards,

      1. Thank you for the clarification. It makes a lot more sense this way than just having pockets of random prehistoric fauna survive alongside the more “modern” species (not even in isolated biotopes)… and some works are guilty of having that. Not yours. 🙂

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