13 1961
13 1961

An Unfortunate Encounter – Page 1022

13 thoughts on “An Unfortunate Encounter – Page 1022

  1. So, this goes on with both of them feeling each other out. It feels far too much like a similar relationship with my older brother, though the roles were reversed, and the possibilities for good works were nothing as great as here. That did not end well, and either this relationship changes, or it will not, either.

    1. Oh the relationship *will* change.

      I just ain’t telling how or how much. 🙂


  2. Evocative of mood, between weather and side-eye–nothing is to be counted as smooth sailing.

    1. Some smooth, some rough – some indifferent. 🙂

      – JED

  3. I don’t know if I’m looking forward to them pulling weapons on each other or not. This looks like it could be a great partnership. Or not. Damn, I’m decisive! On another nitpicky note, how friggin’ long is this dock??? They’re on horseback and having a fairly long convo and are still on it.

    1. Actually, it may be a wharf (running along the shore), instead of a dock or pier (running into the water).

      And am I the only one hearing their voices as “Cowboy” Solo and “Peril” Kuryatkin?

      1. That is an interesting take on it. Which version of “Man From Uncle” are you referencing? 🙂

        – JED

    2. Well, who knows? And actually, there are two warehouses in the middle of the bay, with causeways between them. That’s where they are in Panel 1. In Panel 3 they are on the last, separate dockway that joins to the shore. Confusing, I’ll admit. Maybe I’ll post a longshot on FB or something.


  4. They’re SO gettin’ married…

    1. It’s always gratifying when your fans begin shipping the characters …


      – JED

  5. Lovely sky there. And yes, these two seem to be WELL suited. A bit like the Sheriff of Nottingham and Guy Guisbourne.

    1. Which version of “Robin Hood” do you mean? 🙂

      – JED

  6. Whoa there, Tethik.

    How old are you? How old is Thann?

    Despite being a younger fighter, he still has plenty of experience AND plenty of what you’ve been lacking more and more now for many years: physical strength and endurance.

    That fight against the Bull Clan heir already pushed you almost to your limits. Thann is almost of the same built, but he’s way cooler-headed than the Bull Heir.

    Face it, ol’ chap. You already became too old for most gigs like this at least 25 years ago. Thann could be your son, or even your grandson.
    You stand near zero chances against him. 🙂

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