9 1930

KOR LACHNIS: <Here - see what thou canst do with it Owner Of All Owners?>

He tosses the ring to Gorshash, who drops it immediately, crying out in pain with a burnt hand
KOR LACHNIS: <Ahahahahaaa!! As I suspected. It is endowed with a certain sense and the ability to prevent meddling by those for whom it is not meant! It would take more than it would be worth to me to fathom it without breaking the ring altogether. >
GORSHASH:(with a smoking hand) <Perhaps … Ipola Queen can instruct us in its use?>
KOR LACHNIS: <Ah, she is wakeful! What a specimen!>< And this, thou sayest, is the queen of the primitives of whom you spoke?>
GORSHASH: <There can be no doubt, Lord. I remember her very well. >
9 1930

That Smarts! Page 1159

TRANSCRIPT:    KOR LACHNIS: <Here - see what thou canst do with it Owner Of All Owners?>   He tosses the ring to Gorshash, who drops it immediately, crying out in pain with a burnt hand  GORSHASH: Aghh! KOR LACHNIS: <Ahahahahaaa!!  As I suspected. It is endowed with a certain sense and the ability to prevent meddling by those for whom it is not meant!  It would take more than it would be worth to me to fathom it without breaking the ring altogether. > GORSHASH:(with a smoking hand) <Perhaps … Ipola Queen can instruct us in its use?> KOR LACHNIS: <Ah, she is wakeful! What a specimen!>< And this, thou sayest, is the queen of the primitives of whom you spoke?> GORSHASH: <There can be no doubt, Lord.  I remember her very well. >

9 thoughts on “That Smarts! Page 1159

  1. Big question to ponder:
    Ipola appears to be smiling in that third panel. Is she smiling because she couldn’t help but derive some amusement from the suffering of an Urrt? Or is she smiling because Grandpa there just stupidly gave her a potential opening to drive a wedge between the two?

    1. Hard to drive a wedge into a relationship defined by hatred. Hatred IS the wedge. It divides you into a fine powder of anti-stuff.

      But ideally she’s smiling because that defense mechanism they triggered includes an automatic distress signal.

      1. The distress signal idea makes sense.
        Or she just smirks at seeing Kor Lachnis trolling Gorshash with the ring and mocking the latter’s excruciating pain.

  2. I’ll be curious to see whether she knows the ancient tongue that they’re speaking.

    1. That’s the standard speech balloon for Urrt, which we know she speaks well enough to threaten in.

  3. Well, well, well… Ipola did not end up like Randy Shughart right away, but I do not think this page bodes much better for her.

  4. @Archone. I suspect both.

  5. I think Ipola learned something very useful about the rings today. I hope she will get the chance to use that knowledge. The ring got a serious ‘do not touch’ thing going for it and I’m thinking that might be appliable to other items made by Moon or Earth magick if they can only figure out how.

  6. “Dinnae meddle in what you dinnae ken.”
    Or, in the words of H.P. Lovecraft, “Do not summon up that which ye cannot put down.”

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