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Riderless, the dragon flies off. 

Ipola surveys her dead enemies, and her dead friend. 

IPOLA: Hrraarch ...  Oh, Luna, how can I ever balance this?

KOR LACHNIS: Thuu-duthracani!


A sudden magick bolt takes Ipola from behind - she is down. 

KOR LACHNIS: <Marvelous. So unexpected ... And so completely marvelous!  Take her back to the temple. >
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The Villain Of The Piece – Page 1157

TRANSCRIPT: Riderless, the dragon flies off.  Ipola surveys her dead enemies, and her dead friend.  IPOLA: Hrraarch ...  Oh, Luna, how can I ever balance this? KOR LACHNIS: Thuu-duthracani! IPOLA: AAGH! A sudden magick bolt takes Ipola from behind - she is down.  KOR LACHNIS: <Marvelous. So unexpected ... And so completely marvelous!  Take her back to the temple. >

38 thoughts on “The Villain Of The Piece – Page 1157

  1. Kor! It’s been a while!
    Hoping you’ll regret ever getting out of bed.

    1. He has a nasty habit of never regretting anything, unfortunately.

      – Warm regards,

      1. Not *yet*, any road.

  2. Kor looks horribly pale and malnourished.

    1. Not malnourished, but yes, he’s pretty pale, there.
      He slept for three thousand years underground and today was one of the few days he’s actually been out in the sun.

      Getting a tan is not a high priority for him. 🙂

      – Warm regards,

  3. Well, my reaction can best be summed up in two words – ‘Oh Shit’. Things are about to get ugly.

    1. No spoilers, but – yes, they are.

      – Warm regards,

  4. I feel as though all his previous sightings were in fire-light, but even so, Kor Lachnis appears unusually pale here, almost monochrome/albino.

    1. That’s true. This is the exact same texture as before and every other time, with the exception of adding some subsurface scattering. The yellow in the fire and magickal lighting gave him more shadows, color etc. This is bright daylight and boy, just call him “Casper.”

      – Warm regards,

      1. Casper was friendlier.

        Just sayin.

  5. Oh, shit… :-S
    It has hit the fan. It definitely hit the fan. :-SSS

    1. Yeppers. It;s flying in all directions. Do stay tuned!

      – Warm regards,

      1. Oh, stay tuned, I will.

  6. Damn, Kor Lachnis is so damn pale. :-S Is he even still alive?

    1. Oh yes, he’s still alive. See prior comments.

      – Warm regards,

  7. Kor-Lachnis doesn’t seem to have seen much sun. Of course, he’s been asleep in a hidden underground temple for centuries, but even so…

    1. No, he’s not what you’d call a “sun worshipper” exactly. See prior comments.

      – Warm regards,

  8. Oh. . .I think he does need an introduction. . . the only question is “to what?” (Kinda leaning on “Another One Bites the Dust” myself. Or maybe “Cambreadth”. . .

    1. Heh. We’ll see what happens if Mentl should get involved.

      – Warm regards,

    2. Good song, but I don’t think their blood is yellow, and it’s already cold.

  9. Just noticed the British spelling of “marvellous.” Now I will hear Kor’s voice with a snooty English accent. And that’s not inappropriate.

    1. I actually was thinking Christopher Guest in “Princess Bride.”


      Warm regards,

      1. BTW, l mean “snooty” as a qualifier, not a generalized. Many such accents are not snooty, but Guest’s character’s accent is a good example of what I have in mind.

  10. Not happy… But, one thing is interesting among all this bad news. The dragon went away.
    So… Does that mean that, if given a choice, dragons will go away on their own?

    Dun dun dun

    Yeah Kor Lachnis looks… as if he is not really there actually, kinda illusionish?

    1. We’ll be delving into the nature and character of the dragons as we go. 🙂
      Kor Lachnis is definitely there.

      Warm regards,


    2. Oh good, I am not thee only one who has been wondering about where the dragons stand!

  11. Old LivingDead Kor looks a lot like a slightly morphed ash-pale Robin Williams; too bad he isn’t anywhere near as funny.

    1. Hmm – never saw that, but yeah I can see it.

      Kor Lachnis does think that he is funny, though.

      Warm regards,

  12. Of all the passes in all the mountain ranges in all the world, she flew over mine.

    1. “Mister, I met a dragon once when I was a kid …”

      Warm regards,

  13. I just knew that Ipola was going to be captured, though I was really hoping I was wrong. (I have a hard time dealing with nail-biting cliffhangers.) To be fair, I did not exactly expect Kor-Lachnis, himself, to be there to capture her. The circumstances that he just happened to be there seems a bit too convenient to me. But, in hindsight, I doubt anyone else would have been able to capture her.

    Sorry to say this, but: This seemed a bit too predictable. Also, I’d prefer seeing an all out brawl/war rather than Kor-Lachnis acting so cowardly as to threaten their queen or Zona and Tula’s mother. At this point, it’s not like the audience even needs another reason to view him as the despicable villain he is. Does he plan to use her to try to get the clans to surrender or to interrogate/torture her for information? What’s next? Will Zona and Mentl embark on a quest to investigate or rescue her while Tula temporarily takes over Ipola’s role as queen and leads the clans for the war?

    1. Kor Lachnis, coward? I’d rather say cunning strategist. Knowing Ipola is in his hold will be quite a asset for the Schuachists.

      1. Kor Lachnis is many things, but so far we have not, in my opinion, seen him guilty of cowardice.

        Warm regards,

    2. Well, sometimes the landing party in Star Trek doesn’t get into trouble, you know, and sometimes the green Orion slave girl doesn’t get into a liplock with the captain. But that doesn’t usually make it into the series. 🙂

      Regardless, I think that if you are patient, said patience will be rewarded. There is a series of events coming that should, I hope, be a bit more surprising of which this is just one domino to fall.

      Warm regards,

  14. Well, Kor Lachnis, it is a decidely displeasure to meet you again. Please don’t hesitate to stay away!

    And yeah, Kor is looking not just pale, but silver. Must be a by-product of worshipping Shuach. 😛 He’s too interested in Ipola to kill her, but that doesn’t mean he won’t come up with plenty of other unpleasant things.

    1. “He’s too interested in Ipola to kill her, but that doesn’t mean he won’t come up with plenty of other unpleasant things.”

      True that, miss Lora. True that.

  15. The compost has just connected with the rotary oscillator & it’s aimed at the wall to see what sticks.

    1. Aye. Aye, it has.

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