Ha HA! I knew mama dragon would tip the fight. Gorslash can’t focus on just one thing. He has to control everything. and it always bites him in the butt. Or in this case; blasts him in the chest and a fall to the ground…
At the quote at the bottom right, I’m actually reminded of a V:tM campaign book about a group of Iconuu searching for Golconda. One of the tale boxes had a fable about a Man walking beside a Dragon leashed with but a thin gold chain. When a passerby asked the man about it and not something stronger, the man responded along the lines of, “If the Dragon goes wild, how would a steel chain serve me any better?”
Very true, and it rarely ends well for the holder as well. Gorslash may very well be shaked-n-baked before he knows it. And as far as his “boss” goes, he won’t enjoy facing him again.
8 thoughts on “SMACK! – Page 1318”
E Hines
Unchain my heart, unchain my dragon, it’s all the same in the end.
Eric Hines
Cry ‘Havoc and Let Slip The Dragons of War!
Ha HA! I knew mama dragon would tip the fight. Gorslash can’t focus on just one thing. He has to control everything. and it always bites him in the butt. Or in this case; blasts him in the chest and a fall to the ground…
I have no doubt Gorshash will use his magick to make sure he survives the fall, but the dragons won’t be on his side anymore … 8)
Also, did Liri’s two guides get left behind or did they also get a ride on the dragon?
At the quote at the bottom right, I’m actually reminded of a V:tM campaign book about a group of Iconuu searching for Golconda. One of the tale boxes had a fable about a Man walking beside a Dragon leashed with but a thin gold chain. When a passerby asked the man about it and not something stronger, the man responded along the lines of, “If the Dragon goes wild, how would a steel chain serve me any better?”
Re: the tag at bottom-right…
A stupid dragon fights the CHAIN…
A smart dragon fights the HOLDER of the chain.
Very true, and it rarely ends well for the holder as well. Gorslash may very well be shaked-n-baked before he knows it. And as far as his “boss” goes, he won’t enjoy facing him again.
George Phillies
A smarter Tula finishes off Gorshash rather than talking about it. Unless momma dragon has a little snack on the way down.