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Hey, That’s Great … Page 1158

TRANSCRIPT:   IN THE TEMPLE OF SHUACH   PRISON ROOM   Ipola wakens in iron shackles - a slave collar around her neck.  She is nude. A burly eshtakk is standing nearby, keeping watch.    IPOLA(NARR): Great. Just great.   You see, girl, this is where pure arrogance gets you.  Had to see him for yourself. Had to act on impulse, fly in on a giant bird like some fucking immortal spirit queen or something.  Fucking Erogenian idiot.      Kor Lachnis and Gorshash are present.  Kor Lachnis levitates the sending ring, examining it with interest.    KOR LANCHNIS: <Ah - now this is something I had not seen before, though we did suspect the Moon cultists had made some advances on our simpler sending stones and mirrors. Small enough to wear as jewelry - and, if I am not mistaken, it also hath qualities beyond the obvious - very subtle spellcraft went into it - impressive. > GORSHASH:  <Can we make use of it, lord?> KOR LACHNIS: <I doubt it. Not without some considerable study and effort on my part, which I have not the time for.>  

13 thoughts on “Hey, That’s Great … Page 1158

  1. Anyone else having flashbacks to that time Zona got captured by Urtts and they picked through her jewelry?

    Bad idea, my dude.

    1. Well, now Kor Lachnis is not exactly like the Urtt guards that wanted to take her stuff as souvenirs.
      I will say, without giving anything away that things should get interesting.

      Warm regards,

  2. Well, this doesn’t look good.

    1. No, no it does not.

      Stay tuned. 🙂

      Warm regards,

  3. Ipola oddly looks older here, in the softer lighting, than she did in the harsh light of day.

    1. She is still recovering from being zapped by Kor-lachnis. I’m assuming it wasn’t meant to be fatal, because dead prisoners are rarely talkative, but he doesn’t seem the sort to make his stunning attack painless.

      1. Indeed. She’s a bit haggard. As JTK once said, “You’re not seeing us at our best …”

        Warm regards,

  4. Did they cut her hair? It looks shorter and more frazzled here. Poor Ipola. This won’t be easy nor pleasant.

    1. No it’s not cut, but definitely undone compared to before. You can’t see the rest of it hanging behind her neck.
      And none of it is going to be pleasant, no.

      Warm regards,

  5. Who is the other (male) prisoner?

    1. Not a prisoner, but an eshtakk.
      But then I am giving a little bit away …

      Warm regards,

  6. I have to ask, did you use a slightly different drawing style, colours or rendering? I have the feeling something changed, but cannot put my finger on it.
    I fits her situation, but not that of Kor Lachnis.

    1. Not much, no. I just caught myself using default rendering values instead of my usual custom ones, so the next page may have a little deeper detail and the lighting may look slightly different. Other than that, the dungeon is a different model compared to the one that I used when Mentl, Zona and Tula were captured, which is because I got a better one and also because this is a different Temple of Shuach. As noted before, Kor Lachnis is the same exact face and hair model with the same texture as always other than using some subsurface scattering. His body is an M4 that I have had the original parented to because I just could not match the face closely enough in M4, so I say sod it and used a cludge which I think works okay.

      Anyway, hope that it doesn’t get in the way of you enjoying the story!

      Warm regards,

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