27 2015
27 2015

Light At The End Of The Tunnel – Page 1024

27 thoughts on “Light At The End Of The Tunnel – Page 1024

  1. It’s the giant lady and her adopted son, isn’t it?

    1. I’m betting not. “My lord” from the previous page doesn’t fit.

      1. Apologies, “Lord”. Still doesn’t fit.

  2. Really nice showing of blinding light! Also, nice way to extend the suspense in that last panel. It does look as if the larger shadow MIGHT be erogenian – rather muscular and possibly wearing bracers. Yet still not clear enough to be sure. After all, others could wear bracers. I doubt it is anyone we already know. Apparently, one of them is a ‘Lord’. I’m guessing the smaller one (possibly a child?), with the larger as a bodyguard?

    I have NO idea where they will turn out to be. They COULD be close to where they fell in, but we have no idea how this mirror works – they could be multiple mirrors (easily possible since it sounded as Zona or Tula had encountered one before) so they could have exited from one of those.

    1. I was wondering about the Sun tribe, especially as they had the strength to move that boulder, but they’d have to have a Kivalian among them to be calling someone “Lord”.

    2. I’m thinking Sun tribe as well, since that silhouette does seem to have an epic physique worth of Zonn. (The camera angle would explain his thighs seeming broader than this shoulders.) And it’s pointed out below that this would be a good time to run into Zonn, and the Book has never exactly been shy about sending people where they NEED to go, not where they ASK to go. For example, it took Mentl right back to San Bernadino, which gave him over a year to study and train in a couple months of Eroginian time.

      (Which makes at least this one Siderean artifact a lot like the Doctor’s TARDIS, which has famously been doing this with him ever since she first stole him.)

      As for how far they might have gone, Tula and Zona never WENT through this mirror, they just went to sleep to get to the Otherwhen. Presumably, they woke up back at the same mirror Mentl vanished into, unless the mirror was obliging enough to move them to wherever it let mentl out. Possible, but probably not likely.

  3. As soon as I saw the shadow and the sun, I thought-Sun Tribe! This would give them an edge up with an extra set of warriors against the bad guys, especially if they have any special esoteric skills like the Hawk tribe. Plus Zona would finally get to meet Zonn.

  4. The Random Spectator

    Could it be Zonn and the Sun tribe, at long last?

    I like the Giants idea Ganurath, but iirc the group is way the hell far away from where we last saw the giants, in a part of the world that they’ve not been to with Mental, perhaps not at all. Hence, thinking that it might be time for a daddy-daughter reunion. Or first introduction, as the case may be.

    1. My money’s on it being Zonn, too.

  5. Remember, our heroes had been caught between dimensions. But then a special guest (with goggles) was led to them by the magical book. And Tula’s former teacher / monk said that the book chose to be with them for it’s own reasons. I think it’s safe to say that the book brought them -exactly- where they needed to be and at the right time. Most likely, they will make new friends who may help them with what’s to come.

    1. I think I know exactly where they are. I remember a map that was posted a long time ago…

  6. My bet is that it’s Zonn and his tribe (Sun Tribe, IIRC). That’d fit everything we’ve seen and feels narratively right.

  7. Yes, I thought the Giants, but they wouldn’t call one of them Lord would they?

  8. Hmmm, I wonder if it’s the lost tribe of Zonn.

  9. Anyone else having some issues with panel three and the bubbles between the first and last being blurry, even when refreshed, etc? Or is it just me? 🙂

    1. They’re supposed to be blurred to suggest that they’re having something of a private conversation not meant to be clearly heard by the people in the tunnel. I make it out to be something like this: “My lord — it could be a trap.” “It could be, but if you’ll …” I can’t quite make out the rest.

  10. Is that Daddy?

  11. I think the bubble blurring may be intentional.

  12. My first impulse on seeing the two new persons was – Kor Lachnis and Gorshash. Which is silly, of course: Gorshash calls him “Master” and not “Lord”, and anyway their dialogue in the previous page would never have happened in the first place. But the silhouettes gave me a fair impression of them, and “My God” could be uttered by everyone’s least favourite fossil warlock. (He does call Shuach “God”; while unless I be mistaken, the tribes are polytheistic.)

    I like the notion of the big one being Zonn (particularly since the comments about his back do hint at older age), but “My God!” sounds out of character for him as I understand it, again because of my perception of modern-day Erogenians as worshipping several gods. (I may yet be proved wrong and will gracefully accept it.)

    To me, “My God!” sounds Kivalian. Which may well leave Gudik. Most of what we’ve seen so far fits. Well, except for the long hair.

    I guess we shall soon see…

  13. I’m calling it: Zonn and the Sun Tribe. No doubt, at all, that’s what’s gonna happen

  14. Is it the King of Kivalia we have the pleasure of addressing here?

  15. Just want to say what a nice contrast that here we have a ‘Lord’ that feels it is not necessary to be so named by their companion, when we just finished with a conversation between Thann and Tehik with a reminder of just who was the ‘Lord’

    BTW – very interesting if this IS the Sun Tribe, since I didn’t think Kivalians knew where they were either. Perhaps the ‘Lord’ here comes from very far south – maybe a relative of Yatta’s?

  16. So, it was two pages then for the reveal.

    Tula sounds like she recognizes the voice, so Gudik could still be likely, but Zonn and the Sun Tribe is also likely. Which is why it will probably be something else entirely. 😛

  17. That’s where my thought are going as well.
    “Let there be Light.”
    If that isn’t a hint at the Sun Tribe… 🙂

  18. despite the rampant belief that this is the suntribe I think not. the person was surprised to hear that they were Erogenians, that would imply that they are not themselves Erogenian. They are sufficiently strong enough to move the boulder without tools. I almost wonder if they are from Ur Anis just like a slightly misguided Swordsman. it could also be something from Tula’s past as well. she has been spending time traveling learning stuff for magic and they both had that or deal with the Moon where they could have met somebody else along the way.

    1. The Sun Tribe is a group of lost Erogenians led by Zonn, so they certainly would be surprised to hear of other Erogenians. Personally, I think it’s nice that Zona’s first memory of her daddy will be of her looking up at him as he lifts her up from the trouble she’s gotten herself into.

  19. Going out on a limb, but — Any chance these could be Tethik and Thann? If the Count is standing back, that would account for his smaller stature, and the angle of vision could increase Thann’s thigh muscles. On the other hand, Thann calls the Count “my lord” instead of “lord,” and Tethik didn’t reprove him before for being too formal. So as I say, it’s a bit of a stretch, but it would tie together two story lines nicely.

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