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NARR: A new day.
ZONN: Well, that’s impressive. Only you could have pulled it off.
IPOLA: It was a group effort - and we had luck on our side.
ZONN: The Draconians and the Thrasans marching together. I would never have thought it.
IPOLA: They get along about as well as you’d expect.
ZONN: As well as we did with Kendrik’s people?
IPOLA: A bit better in some ways, worse in others. I swear if it hadn’t been for a bit of kismet, it mightn’t have happened at all.
NARR: A week earlier, in Greymouth.
THERIK: This is blasphemy! Blasphemy, your Majesty!
IPOLA: I know you weren’t chosen for your brains, Bishop, but try to get a few things through your head:
THERIK: You are just a … a … an Erogenian phantom! Why do you even listen to her, your Majesty?
GUDIK: Because she’s a Majesty, too and we’ll all listen to her, understood?
THRASAN: Dry work, eh?
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Just A Couple Of Guys – Page1095

TRANSCRIPT:     NARR: A new day. ZONN: Well, that’s impressive.  Only you could have pulled it off. IPOLA: It was a group effort - and we had luck on our side. ZONN: The Draconians and the Thrasans marching together.  I would never have thought it. IPOLA: They get along about as well as you’d expect. ZONN: As well as we did with Kendrik’s people? IPOLA: A bit better in some ways, worse in others.  I swear if it hadn’t been for a bit of kismet, it mightn’t have happened at all. NARR: A week earlier, in Greymouth. THERIK: This is blasphemy! Blasphemy, your Majesty! IPOLA: I know you weren’t chosen for your brains, Bishop, but try to get a few things through your head: THERIK: You are just a … a … an Erogenian phantom!  Why do you even listen to her, your Majesty? GUDIK: Because she’s a Majesty, too and we’ll all listen to her, understood? THRASAN: Dry work, eh? DRACONIAN: Aye.

42 thoughts on “Just A Couple Of Guys – Page1095

  1. Good luck on your page redesign. Or, if it’s not intentional, good luck on your website recovery.

    1. Nope – it was a recovery.

      Fell prey to Stupid McStupidy’s Stupid curse and accidentally let the WordPress subscription lapse.

      Stupid JED!

  2. Ha! I just love being reminded of how stupid Therik the Bishop is. 😀 And that both Ipola and Gudik put him in his place.

    Btw. when I first tried getting here, I got redirected to a standard ‘welcome to WordPress’ page, not the usual CoZ website. I had to use a link to an older page to get here.
    That hasn’t happened to me before.

    1. It was a brief outage which we recovered from at some expense. Won’t make THAT mistake again.

      War regards,


  3. Ahhh, Ipola is just as humble as Zonn is when she can relax. I love those monarchs.

    Before I read the transcript, I thought Gudik was the one insulting the Bishop, though. I guess Ipola was annoyed beyond diplomacy. (Also, she might have decided it wasn’t all that useful now that she had the king on her side.)

    Last and certainly not least, that’s a gorgeous first panel.

    1. Thank you, jd. Yes, Ipola’s not wasting time on Therik. Too much at stake, and he’s not being especially diplomatic himself.

      Warm regards,


  4. Good job tying up lose ends so neatly JED! Is anyone else hoping Ipola is going to be pregnant again? For some reason that was my first thought seeing the first panel.

    Also in the unlikely event you didn’t know, you need to kick WordPress in the ass, they seem to have misplaced your main page. For a few minutes I was worried our saga had ended!

    1. Thanks Shyster. As to Ipola’s fecundity, it’s not impossible.

      Yeah, that was all my fault. A sin of omission to the tune of a nice bite out of the old wallet. But fixed now and all is back to what for the sake of the argument we will refer to as “normal.”

      Warm regards,


    2. Not really. I think Ipola has had the children she wished for. And besides both her girls are adults in their twenties; why would she *now* want a newborn again? She’s not exactly young anymore and pregnancy is hard on the body, even more so as you age. She could have had more children if she wanted. She didn’t.
      Romance and/or sex doesn’t *have* to involve baby creating.

  5. It is what it is…

    1. You should put that on a tee-shirt. 😉

      Warm regards,


  6. It appears the “Home” link is broken.

    1. Fixed!

      see below.

      Warm regards,


  7. Something broke on the default barbarianprincess.com site, getting the default wordpress page. Had to look up an archived page to get to this one.

    1. We fixed it.

      See below.

      Warm regards,


  8. Uhm, what the heck is wrong now?
    When I use my normal bookmark or even click on HOME here, only a WordPress Ad shows up?
    I thought the site was down, but this page here shows up when googled??

    1. Fixed! See next comment.

      Warm regards,


  9. All The lingering pains in the ass from the site recovery were due to caching on the server side, and those have (we believe) been taken care of.

    We once again apologize for the inconvenience.

    You may now continue with your regularly scheduled Zona-ing.

    Warm regards,


  10. So is the Thrasan Guard our old friend Baranir spiffed up in a diplomatic surcoat, or aother of Gudi”k’s soldiers?

    1. Nah, this is a different guy. He is a knoght of Holy Georg, one of the royal guard. The Draconian is also decked out in a spiffy array because the two of them are standing guard over the tent where the negotiations are being held.

      Warm regards,


    2. Salisria, I think I asked already but if so I forgot the answer, silly me: how do you put up word with hyperlinks, as opposed to hyperlinks that look like like URLs?


  11. So, I”m curious. Whats up with the Thrasan’s chest design? At first look (and each subsequent look afterwards), it appears to be a stylized figure with it’s arms raised and hands throwing the ‘devil horns’ that real world rockers throw when they think they’re being ‘bad ass’.

    other than that, I find today’s comic just as beautifully rendered as near every other one. JED you started as an excellent 3d artist, and over the years, you’ve refined, updated, and mastered your craft. every panel, every character is beautifully rendered. On top of that skill you’ve also developed, refined and mastered your storytelling as well. both with words and poses. I salute you sir!

    1. Thanks very much for the kind words. 🙂

      The symbol is the Cross of Holy Georg, and those who wear it are paladins, Knights of Holy Georg. Only such knights get to be the members of the Royal Guard, and they are held to the highest standards of loyalty and personal ethics.

      Higher by far than most of the Royal family, in fact.

      We first see the symbol on page 53 on the great tapestry behind the throne where Maldik is squatting and also on the tabard of the guard who announces Zona.


      There’s more to the story of Georg, some of which has been alluded to in places like page 414:


      There’s more to the actual shape of the cross and its symbology but I’ll have to make a page where Tula explains it or something.

      Warm regards,


  12. “Dry work”?

    What are those two talking about? I can’t even learn what “Dry work” (or even “Drywork”) means from an internet search. There are hardly any results. If it is slang for something, then it must be obscure. Unless… Could it be a code word for the opposite?

    1. It’s literal. It’s dry work standing there for houra listening to events and things that are way above your head.

      Warm regards,


    2. I take to mean that hours of standing guard and listening to the endless bickering has gotten the guards to REALLY want a beer/ale/mead or whatever the alcoholic beverage of choice is for the region.

  13. On the subject of site resurrections (tangentially at least), any plans for an archive page? Or is there one and I’m just not seeing it?

    1. The archives have all been available. In fact, a few months ago I finally finished arranging them properly into chapters. Look up at the top right and see the chapter pulldown. It should allow you reasonable navigation of over a thousand pages of Zona-ness. 🙂

      Warm regards,


      1. I’ll step forward and firmly state that this drop-down archive access has grown from difficult beginnings into a beautifully done list with evocative titles that tremendously help finding a page without having to blissfullly dive for hours in ye olden chapters.

      2. Ah, thank you. I see the problem. For some reason, my computer is displaying the page such that not the full amount was displayed and I had to scroll right to find the chapter pulldown. So, I was indeed in fact just not seeing it.

        1. @Shan,
          Hold the Ctrl button, and use your mouse wheel.

        2. Thanks for the reply. My laptop doesn’t have a mouse, though but now I know what to look for so I can just scroll across with the scrollbars I somehow hadn’t noticed were clearly indicating there was more page before (probably because the actual story page fully displayed on my screen).

        3. @Shan,
          Most laptops have some way of simulating the scrollwheel. On mine, it’s using two fingers on the touchpad. On a set I maintain, it’s the edge of the touchpad.
          In any case, in many programs, including all the modern web browsers I’ve used, as well as MSOffice, ctrl-scroll is the zoom.

  14. JED – For some reason I still can’t see this issue of the comic. I can see a placeholder (Just A Couple Of Guys – Page1095) and the reader comments – but that is it. Oh and I can see the previous page just fine…as well as archived pages. Just FYI

    – David

  15. “So i say to Mabel, I says…”

  16. This. Totally this.

  17. I can’t see the image on this page. There’s the page title, some tags, and then the transcript. The previous page looked fine, and so does the next one. What’s up with this one?

    1. I’m seeing it just fine, though I did flush the cache on the site to be sure. Try again!

      Warm regards,


  18. WTF! No matter what I do, I cannot get this page to come up. All I get are lines of transcript.

    1. Weird – the image is actually gone. This was when we had an outage and we restored from backup, so it may have been missed, but I’m sure I woud have noticed it missing. Nonetheless, I’ll fix it tonight. Thanks for the heads up!

      Warm regards,


      1. There we go.


  19. Much obliged!

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