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Making The Connection – Page 1049

29 thoughts on “Making The Connection – Page 1049

  1. Yes, deserts get quite cold at night. Tula’s tearful reflections may have to do with that, for she has been in a desert longer than Zona. After all, Tula and Zona found Mentl for Zona. The simple knowledge that you are not, after all, alone, even in the face of future horror of your duty can bring warmth. The blanket probably helps too, though.

    Tula might be facing the fear of being Queen some day. The fact that she already has demonstrated courage, correct action in the face of fear, does not lessen fear’s anticipation for the next round. While she can face death herself, she may well now fear having to send more and more of her friends “on ahead”. She truly does need a sending from her gods, and Surya’s priestess is as good a sign as any.

    1. Perhaps all of that. But the subsequent pages will show more clearly what’s in her overclocked head.

      Warm regards,


  2. that, and lots of grief. a lot of people she cared for were brutally murdered of late.

    1. True that.

      But wait – there’s more.

      Warm regards,


  3. JED – You’ve been waiting a long time for Vito to be able to finish that. Since before we even knew his name. I’ll give you credit for patience…

    1. True enough, though on second thoughts I felt that it was a little heartless on Vito’s behalf to use that joke while considering Tula weeping. (Especially as it gets a particularly biting meaning in Tula’s case, regarding her past lovers.) I guess, being dead himself, he may have differing views on mourning…

      1. He’s one who tends to always go for the joke.

        Warm regards,

        1. MidnightDStroyer

          Better to go for the funny bone than going for the throat…But in certain circumstances, aiming for the former may wind up hitting the latter.

    2. Yep. πŸ˜€

      Warm regards,

  4. Ah, Vito, thank you to pass by. I hoped you would come and do something. Even if just push things around softly.
    Jed your last few panels demonstrate how deep your comic is. We have banter, fun, sexy time. But, from time to time, you remind us that there’s more to those people than just fighting bad guys. and this is why it’s such a great comic.

    1. That’s very kind of you to say. To me, it’s all just part of the story.

      Warm regards,

      1. Not everyone thinks about that stuff when telling what they think is an awesome story, however. You do, and that has me ranking you among my top favorite storytellers of all time. I share your webcomic with everyone I can, if I think there’s a chance they’ll love it even a tenth as much as I do. (And no, I’m not blowing napalm out my ass; it is my professional opinion as a longtime editor and author that you are indeed an excellent storyteller. Easily a colleague in quality, a peer in skills, and hopefully some day a friend I get to meet & hug in person.)

        1. Praise indeed, Jean. Thanks very much. And yes, it would be pleasant, though unsurprising if one day we were to meet in person, what with the odd circles I sometimes run in. πŸ™‚

          Warmest regards,

  5. And Vito gives a little push to help bind the Sun and Moon tribes together through simple kindness.

    Wizards are indeed subtle, and not just quick to anger.

    1. He also knows a bit more about what is in here head than he’s letting on.
      He probably would make it worse.

      Warm regards,

      1. I’ve been thinking about that “making thing worse” comment of his. Brothers and sisters, do you think that’s because a ghost one has had sex with is awkward company when mourning dead lovers, or because he would be clumsy, as his joking suggests? Or something else as well?

        Naturallyn the question is more “which part has greater weight” rather than “either/or”.

  6. Ahhh, once again the reason why I love this comic. Granted, it’s got epic fights, great rock songs, excellent dialogue and unlikely boobs. (Among other things.)

    But, every so often, and quite often at that, the story treats us to a pure moment of sweetness. Thank you, JED. That was beautiful.

    (And Chera keeps being my favourite new character.)

    1. JED, if you have both ability and motivation to edit comments, please delete this one and replace the above depiction with “epic fights, superb characters, great rock songs, awesome magic, excellent dialogue and unlikely boobs”. While I was cleaning a mess our abomination of a cat had made in the entrance, it struck me that I had left things out that I shouldn’t have. So if it can be corrected, that would be terrific. Otherwise, well, the correction is still here.

      1. I could and would, but it’s more fun to know that your thoughts were interrupted by the cat mess. Forgive me, I would rather let it stand as is.


        And thanks very much for the kind words.

        Warm regards,


        1. It’s your webcomic, if you’ll leave the comments as they are I have nothing to forgive about that. Particularly if you think they’re more fun that way.

  7. Blast my forgetfulness – I forgot to thank you for quoting Pope Francis. I believe he is the best Pope the world (well, the Catholic church really, but it seems his influence extends further than that) has had for quite a long time, and this quote is part of why.

    1. He’s not someone I can agree with completely, but he’s the best we’ve had in a long while.


      1. Pope John Paul (the first) may have been better, but we never got to know him long enough to find out.

  8. Very nicely done.

    1. Thank you, Rob.


      Warm regards,


  9. There’s nothing like coming home and seeing an update. πŸ™‚

    I hope Tula will get to finish crying. Having a needed cry interrupted does nothing good for you. Sometimes you just need to let it all out and cry.

    1. She’ll get that and more besides. Watch this space.

      Warm regards,


  10. Chera was already on the roof, keeping a discreet distance – she spotted Vito there. Presumably keeping an eye on Tula? She’s a good soul – just needed a little push.

    And I too live for the updates, thank you JED!

    1. Indeed. Remember, also a sister priestess, and a sensitive. She no doubt felt a “disturbance in the force” as it were and went to check it out.

      And you’re very welcome.

      -Warm regards,


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