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No Objections – Page 1079

33 thoughts on “No Objections – Page 1079

  1. Can’t imagine what she has in mind. *stretch*

    1. Neither can I. Somehow my intellectual abilities went haywire after panel 4.

  2. Hrm. I need a refresher here…
    Ah here we are. https://barbarianprincess.com/comic/much-rejoicing/page-350/

  3. uh oh… Is she going to Dance for him? Is she trying to re-awekened something? Does she want to prove something? Or just to claim something?
    Thanks for the link Daikaiju, it’s been a while and it was fun.
    By the way, how do you find the link to the archives? I dont seem able to find anything 🙁

    1. If you’re working in a small window, use the scrollbar at the bottom to scroll all the way to the right, where you’ll find a drop down menu with chapter sections to choose from.

      It hasn’t been updated in a while however, so the latest chapter is several chapter/scenes long.

      1. Worse, it’s out of order. This can be a real challenge, as some of the chapter names, when out of the context of chronological order, call to mind other events in other chapters.

        1. Last I dove most of the chapter names were more or less in chronological order from bottom to top. There remain glitches, unfortunately, and some chapters have several different scenes (that can usually be grouped under the same heading) … wait. I was looking for an exemple of the latter case, and noticed that the order seems out again.

          Oh well. I trust JED to set it up better as soon as he can.

    2. I find Comic Rocket useful in finding particular pages and sections I want, as well as easy reference for pages I want to look at again later (I just have to note and change the number of the page as needed).


  4. While the lack of assigned gender roles make it simpler for LGBT member of the Sun Tribe to participate in First Dance, what if two people who intend to attract each other end up both dancing or both drumming? I’m not certain this innovation is an improvement as it could lead to a bit of awkward comedy. Still, as long as the Sun Tribe approves, that’s all that really matters.

    1. I think they’d probably be keeping an eye on each other, and if one looks as though they’re going to dance, the other would do their utmost to not give that impression.

  5. Now all Zonn needs is a drum. Preferably a solid one.

  6. I’m guessing Ipona’s not big on dancing?

    1. I’m guessing she’s just managed to poleaxe Zonn, again, with words alone.
      That man has no defenses to her charms.

      1. Would you have any, brother?

    2. I think it’s more that, having been in a leadership position since she was young, she’s had to preside over these instead of participate. She is, for lack of a better term, on vacation in Vegas right now. Time to cut loose and have some fun.

      1. Exactly.

        It’s like a while back in the webcomic Exiern, when the King is accidentally invited to the royal guards’ regular card game, and to the guard’s surprise, the King accepts with a “what the hell, why not” attitude.

        Unexpected, not because of the person, but due to the perception of their position.

  7. I agree with EmmaC, Ipola might well be about to dance for Zonn. It may well be the first time they met she bedded him without waiting for First Dance, and Tula’s living proof that she hasn’t been continent waiting for him after he took off. (Not that she should have been.)

    If there were complications about First Dance and their first meeting I’d love to hear about that (wouldn’t we all?).

    Of course, what with her being Queen of all Erogenians, whatever status, however fleeting, goes with First Dance immediately takes on political implications. But apparently she can have lovers out of her tribe and be pretty blatant about it (like, get pregnant from Wolf Tribe – I can’t remember what we know about Uthic, Tula’s father, being their king or someone else). AATI Erogenia.

    1. First Dance is just a social event, like feasting. No further implications are present.

      According to the “How I Met Your Father” bonus story, Ipola and Zonn were sharing blankets within hours of meeting each other. Hopefully, he washed off the ogre blood first.

      1. Thanks for the reminder! I wasn’t sure about them sharing a blanket so quickly. Still, she wasn’t über-Queen yet at the time, and maybe political complications would arise in the current situation (I can see the Fire tribe all lit up – yeah, intended – at the notion of a new tribe that fully supports the Queen).

  8. GUYS GUYS! I think someone might have mentioned this, but didn’t Mentl Joke about moving mountains with John Denver?

    Now we have a group of people who need to get past a mountain.


    1. I remember him considering John Denver’s “Take me home, Country road” when trying to figure out how to get back to Erogenia. I don’t recall him discussing that song writer in any other context, but I’ve not re-read the whole series in awhile.

    2. If he was so inclined, “Move Any Mountain” by The Shamen might be a candidate.

      Also, “Climb Any Mountain” from The Sound of Music, could be motivational. Or maybe that’d be more the speed of Elan from Order of the Stick webcomic?

  9. Someone is twisting the knife~

  10. What with all the excitement I only just noticed something about Ipola’s current outfit. It’s quite different from what we’ve seen Sun tribe wearing, so I think it’s safe to assume she brought it with her.

    Being Ipola, she packed it for a purpose. Which leads me to believe that First Dance was part of her plans all along.

    (Oh, and I also noticed that Ipola said “If no one has an objection…” leaving room for Zonn to object. Not that he seems to notice, but still there.

    1. While I agree that she probably brought the outfit with her – she did have ‘baggage’ with her – I don’t know that I would say she specifically packed with Zonn in mind. We’ve seen her wear just as little without thought towards attracting someone. I like your comment about objections, but I’m not sure she would take it well if he DID object. That might be as bad as claiming she was ‘his’ queen as opposed to ‘ours’. Assuming a bit too much, maybe?

  11. Well, in Ipola’s case it *has* been quite a while since she & her husband has, um…Ya’ know? So yeah, *First* Dance in a long time sounds good.
    (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

  12. “WHAT!!! Do you think I’m TOO OLD? Or that I haven’t got it in me!??”

    1. That was my first thought, too. It seems to me that Zonn just keeps putting his foot in his mouth.

    2. @TMI Fairy:

      “Frankly? Yes.” ^^

  13. I’m reading Zonn’s look as surprise because, based on the steamy kiss Ipola gave him when she got there, he might have assumed they’d be paired up. (Like Zona stated here to Mentl.) Now she’s effectively putting herself ‘on the market?’ Maybe?

    1. Or maybe she just wants to dance and plans on choosing Zonn anyway. Only time and JED will tell.

    2. Unless I be mistaken (and I reread the page linked by Daikaiju, thanks Daikaiju!), First Dance isn’t just putting oneself “on the market”. It may be that if you have no one in particular in mind, but the way I read it, if you do have someone in mind First Dance is all about showing off for them and them only.

      What does Ipola have in mind? Most of us, I guess, assume giving Zonn a big honkin’ show before make-up sex.

      (So do I, unless she wants to ensure some time alone with Jeevik to find out how and why he turns up in different places. But as I said earlier, she seems to have brought that outfit with First Dance in mind all along, so Jeevik wasn’t part of her plans. Of course, she’s more than flexible enough to change them if needed…)

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