6 2051
6 2051

Meanwhile, in the War Camp … Page 1059

6 thoughts on “Meanwhile, in the War Camp … Page 1059

  1. I’m not sure if this scene is ominous or awkward.

    1. There is no way the situation could *not* be awkward, since the guard and the noble counselor know each other from previous times at Court. Baranir apparently knows quite well that Tethik is *not* where he was ordered to be, keeping watch over the King’s younger brother back in Normos. Baranir follows orders, and when the nobility *stop* following his King’s orders, he knows there is trouble in the wind.

      Tethik, of course, knows this, and still needs information about where the King is. Tension is rather natural in this situation. Add to this, the large unexplained friend that Tethik has brought along, who is obviously *not* some obsequious underling in the Count’s entourage, which entourage the Count conspicuously lacks at the moment, and 20 different bad thoughts have to be floating through Baranir’s brain. Tethik knows *that* as well. Thus, further tension.

      The key to resolving that tension has a good chance of being King Gudik himself, ….depending on his mood when he returns from the battle, …*if* he returns from the battle.

  2. Are we finally going to see Gudik? Long have I waited for this. 🙂

  3. From a tension relieved to a growing one. Well played.

    I love the body language here.

    Tethik: “I’m waiting and I have nothing to do but wait, so by Thrasu I’ll relax! I need to relax!”
    Thann: “I’m waiting for the very man I was hired to assassinate. I want out. Ahhh, calm down, I must calm down. I WANT OUT! NO! CALM DOWN!”
    Baranir: “I’m just a guard. So I’m just standing there. Don’t mind me.”

    I note that Baranir doesn’t have a character tag. Doesn’t bode well for the fellow’s longevity in this story. (He might still live to a hundred and twenty and die in his bed, surrounded by the love and support of a numerous family, but most of that will be offscreen.)

    (By the way, since this is the second time I comment on tags in a few weeks, I’m getting to wonder if I’m not a bit obsessed with the things. Still, this time I merely tried to look up the tag in hopes that I’d find whether we had seen Baranir before. I have a good explanation, I’ll go with that.)

    1. I must say, I do like it too when speaking characters have their own name tag.

    2. It’s interesting that there’s a tag for Gudik, even though he doesn’t appear in person on this page.

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