30 1976
30 1976

This Is Not An Update

I am working on something a bit different for this particular page, and as a result, it is taking extra time and effort.
We greatly appreciate your patience.
Look for it in the next couple of days, though.
Warm regards,

30 thoughts on “This Is Not An Update

  1. And a brave man steps forward to meet his destiny, …….. he can hope.

  2. No problem with the wait but love handles ???

    Zonn is a bit out of shape. Guess he needs to fight a few more battles … or more lovin’.

    1. The man is about 40 or 50, and has been playing chief rather than wandering hero the past couple of decades. Hardly a surprise if some of his previously ridiculous muscle has gone to fat.

      1. And honestly, a little bit of extra weight, as long as the muscles are still solid underneath it, isn’t a major problem.

    2. Also, there’s a third posdibility: getting back into training, eg through sparring practice with his daughter.

  3. And though I walk through the valley of being hurt, and possibly gelded, I shall not fear. For she is lovely and I did love her, and I kind of deserve what is coming to me for breaking her orders one time to many. Shit she looks lovely!

    1. Gelded? Ipola can’t have been serious, back then.
      And if Zonn is now a bit out of shape, so is Ipola, and both are past their prime.
      So if Ipola ever wants to take it hand-to-hand, Zonn still packs more than enough punch to subdue her.

      1. He might. He would never do it.

        1. Oh, I think he would. If – which I retrospectively find quite unlikely, as Ipola came here to find allies and not to make new enemies – Ipola were to try anything harsh on Zonn, he would not let her score shots on him.

  4. She slapped him previously, not so much for defying her orders, but for doing it publicly and undermining her authority. She’s knows Zonn’s gotta Zonn’s and that he’ll have honorable reasons for his long absence.

    Nothing but love coming his way.

    1. After another slap/punch or two, of course. You know how Erogenians can be.

  5. dun dun dun…

    *love me some lovehandles*

  6. Ce n’est pas une pipe — Magritte

    1. I’m not sure what you mean there, sibling. Are you comparing our bard’s work to Renรฉ Magritte’s?

      … Or is that a double entendre on a certain French slang word?

      1. This is not a pipe. This is not an update.

        This is not a drill.

        1. This, by contrast, is a facepalm.

          Thanks, sibling! I hadn’t noticed the title.

    2. LOL perfect!….My favorite artist…. =D

    3. The Gorram Batguy

      Ceci n’est pas une mettre ร  jour

      1. “Une mise ร  jour”, if I may, sibling.

        “Mettre” is the verb, “mise” is the noun, and it quickly gets more complicated than that because what would you expect about French, but it’ll do for now.

  7. Aaaaargh I can’t wait!

    Seriously, take the time you need. All of us, we know we’re in for the long haul and we love it. We’ll be there for the next instalment.

  8. /me whistles theme from High Noon.

    1. LOL I missed your post….I had that thought as well! =)

  9. Just had a riff of Chicago’s “Hard for Me to Say I’m Sorry” dash through my head…also looks like one of those prelude to a gun-fight scenes … buckle up Zonn … could go either way…(getting some popcorn ready for the “real” update – this is gonna be good) =D

  10. ah, a man of courage.

  11. This wouldn’t be half bad as a wallpaper. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s a nice picture.

  12. so… he grew love handles. That should give him some advance. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. I’m quite torn. On the one hand, this is a free comic and a labor of love and we have no right to demand anything here – no matter how much we might love this comic and be eager for more.

    …on the other…


    1. It would have appeared two days ago if not for unplanned illness. But tomorrow it will be up.

      Unless, of course, you are a Patron on Patreon, in which case it will be up tonight. ๐Ÿ™‚


      Warm regards,


  14. I was beginning to wonder at the delay. I mean, after all, you are a past master at blood splatter ….

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