21 2017
21 2017

Light At The End Of The Tunnel – Page 1034

21 thoughts on “Light At The End Of The Tunnel – Page 1034

  1. Sandworms anyone? It certainly would give an excuse for a Dune reference.

    1. one can only hope:-) currently re-reading the full series, at sisterhood now.

    2. could be almost anything
      An earthquake, a nearby volcano erupting,
      Giant carnivorous earthworms
      Dire Moles, Sabertooth Hares, Rabbits of unusual size
      a stampede of Argentinosaurus being chased by a dragon
      a neutron star or asteroid crashing into the nearest mountain.

  2. Yaaay, betcha Mentl gets to be awesome in front of “Dad,” to show off his “larger brain!”

    1. Or come to think of it, maybe not. Maybe Mentl doesn’t even have the *time* to whip out a song. Between Zonn and Zona, whatever is coming is going to be pasted pretty quickly, I’d think… Hmm, wonder if it’s edible?

    2. Remember that Tula thought her magick and Mentl’s were unpredictable right now. ( https://barbarianprincess.com/comic/the-long-road-home/page-984/ ) More recently, she discouraged him to try something ( https://barbarianprincess.com/comic/part-2/light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel-page-1023/ ). Of course, that was in a confined space, which is not the case now, and there was no dire emergency.

    3. Actually, I’m hoping we see Zonn be awesome in front of his daughter, to remind her that he IS a good guy who did his best in spite of everything. He reminds me of a one of my favorite characters from Soul Calibur III. Rock, the big badass warrior who fights in order to prove he’s worthy to be a father to his adopted son. “Bangoo! Are you watching!?”

  3. Judging by Zonn’s reaction I would say that this is how the Sun God says it’s time for you to come talk to me! Almost like the Erogian(sp?) version of the Speak and Spell.

    1. Indeed, seeing how some Erogenians say hello, an earthquake might well be how an erogenian god manifests.

  4. “Here comes the mirror man…. Says he’s a people fan…”

  5. Ahem… “It’ CLOBBERING TIME!”

  6. I love how Chera assumes the mantle of being the adult. She’s quickly growing into one of my favourite characters. I’d love for her to stick around, but seeing as how it’s likely to mean mass migration for the Sun tribe what with her being its only priestess, I’d settle for regular one-off appearances. Deal, JED?

    Also, in the last panel, the group covers various angles impressively, especially as people who have never trained together.

    Last, tell me I’m wrong to feel that these mountains in panel 5 look like huge heaps of molten rock.

  7. It seems interesting that Zonn’s simple comment implies he knows exactly what is coming.

    So, in a lava field, however temporarily frozen into basalt, they have experienced this before.

    It could be either natural or supernatural phenomena he is remembering.

    But which?

    1. Lava doesn’t freeze temporarily. It may be cracked open by fresh upwellings which will overlay previous eruptions. The closest type of lava to the terrain would be pahoehoe which flows relatively slowly and has a smooth ropy surface, but is still very different from what we’re shown. Narrow bands of compressed strata with complex folds and faults indicate the presence of metamorphic rocks such as gneiss and schist. Outcrops of Wissahickon Schist along the eastern edge of the Piedmont in the Philadelphia area show patterns like the hills pictured.

      For images of metamorphic rock and location maps see the following link:

  8. I’m impress by Zona reaction. I was fearing the worst, she much more grounded than I thought. Cha na amanh

  9. Time for some father-daughter bonding slaughter!

    Of course, you notice nobody seems to be armed.

    1. Nobody’s armed? What?

      By my count… Zona and Zonn both have two arms. Chera, Mentl, and Tula all have two hands and a mouth that works available. It seems to me that everyone is armed. Now, two of those might have some difficulty wielding their weapons according to something Tula said earlier, but exactly what effect that might have was not really well defined. It’s probably something that would be bad in a confined space, but a lot of things are in confined spaces. In that open terrain, it could be good, it could be bad, it could be distracting, it could be surreal. We might get to find out.

  10. All I could think when reading the last sound was ‘Let’s get ready to Rrruuuuummmmbbbllleee!’ from Space Jam. XD Now I want to see that movie again.

    Earthquake? Or really big animal/herd? I’m leaning towards the latter.

    1. And while my first thoughts are terribly unlikely (especially since Zonn seems to recognize the sound) I’m still reminded of the baldies from the OtherWhen on motorcycles.

      1. It *is* them. But this time they’re riding allosaurs!

  11. You don’t suppose this is where the dragon shows up and we see the ancient Erogenian Shuach high priest riding it?

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