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23 1952

Light AtThe End Of The Tunnel – Page 1027

23 thoughts on “Light AtThe End Of The Tunnel – Page 1027

  1. I don’t think we have ever seen anyone manage to fend of a punch from Zona before, and this is her at her damnedest to land said punch… Impressive.

    1. He has been doing this for a fair bit longer than she has, assuming the tribe of the Sun aren’t living in a pacifist utopia.

      1. “Youth and skill are no match for old age and treachery.”

        1. “Youth and skill are no match for old age and treachery”

          That’s what people say when they are overtaken by younger ones. 🙂

          Tethik might have beaten that Bull Clan nobleman, but it was still a very close call.

          Against Thann, who has youth, skill, and treachery? Tethik will be done for.

          So, “Old age and treachery”? No. Youth and skill. 🙂

  2. I feel sorry for Mentl if he ever leaves the toilet seat up

    1. I think if Mentl leaves the toilet seat up, Zona will simply kick it to bare shreds. Next time Mentl wants to take a dump, I guess he’ll take the hint.

      (… As for how Zona will use the toilet, she is used to roaming the wilderness for weeks on end. She’ll make do far better than Mentl could.)

  3. I did think we were given the impression her first punch sent him further than it did.

  4. Even with her great strength, that’s a lot of mass to be punching around–so maybe she’s just sore enough or assessing her next effective strike- but I am glad it’s not going to all be smack-down! Feels very real to me, and I am hopeful for at least explanation, if not reconciliation.

  5. Also, the way I read his moves he tries to dodge and deflect. As one of my aikido teachers says with great wisdom, “the best defense against a katana strike is not to be where it lands”. In the third panel it may well be that he caught her arm after it had gone its full swing and she was bringing it back.

    By the way, what are those lines on her face (and Tula’s two pages ago)?

    1. Those lines are the scratches they got falling down the rabbit hole.

      1. Thanks I was wondering where those came from.

  6. Oh, I forgot! Three pages ago, we were trading hypotheses as to the identity of the persons who freed Zona and company, and I explicitly excluded Zonn from my own hypotheses, because he said “My God”, which clashed with my perception of polytheistic Erogenians.

    Since the very first words by Zonn in the following page were “Gods”, it’s now obvious both terms can coexist in the Erogenian language. After all, Tula herself (e.g. https://barbarianprincess.com/comic/conflict-resolution-erogenian-style/page-300/ ) said “Goddess”, and as a priestess, she fully knows that there are several gods in her pantheon. But then again, as a priestess to Luna she might be expected to show some preference for her time and again without it meaning offense to the other gods.

    And since Tom Billings has been so nice as to remind us of Zonn’s special connection to the Sun God (that made him found a new tribe, no less), “My God” would be expectable from him.

    All right. I stand corrected. If anyone else had the same issue I recalled above, I hope they are as rested as I am. Thanks, Tom!

    1. In the case of Zonn, he’s been visited personally by the Sun God, who chose -him- to settle his group of Erogenians this far out in the middle of nowhere, pushed far from home behind enemy lines. So the Sun God is HIS god, hence him saying “my god”…literally.

  7. So – when did Zona grow the giant braid?

    1. Page 985.


      She’s always had insanely long hair which is a lot of work for me in post, so this saves me some work and gives her a new look.



      1. Ah. Well. On the one hand, I prefer her with her hair down. On the other hand, I just put hardwood down in every room in the house. Because: less work.

        Party on.

  8. I wonder how she’ll take the “on a mission from God” defence. Or will she just Think he’s a Moocher who found himself a Sweet Home and that he deserves to go to the Jailhouse?

    1. That all depends, of course.

      If Zonn just tosses off a few lines and expects that to suffice, he will have a far worse time of it.

      If, on the other hand, he has been getting periodic (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly????) messages in the same place from the Sun God, and takes Zona along, …to meet “your grandfather”, …then the plot may thicken at the same time as we find out the reinforcement Luna and Teria are getting in this round against Shuach. One thing about Zonn being the founder of the Sun Tribe, and from the look of Zonn and of the Sun God in earlier apochrypha on the site, perhaps an offspring himself of the Sun God, like Heracles (Kevin) was a son of “Zeus” on Earth, that’s a potential problem. He will have to be very careful to keep the tribe from slipping into a theocratic divine State, if it gets out whose kid he is. So, how does he tell Zona? I dunno. If he succeeds in introducing them directly, his “Family Issue” should be over. Whatever other complications that creates are bound to be, …interesting.

    2. If he takes her to a convincing enough Old Landmark and proves he didn’t even have a mule to ride, she might stop trying to Rawhide him. She might even give him some Lovin’ and they might all go Shake a Tail Feather.

      1. An interesting possibility is if she arrives wherever Zonn had his vision, …and has her own, …an “interview with Grandfather”, …as it were.

      2. I salute you, sir.

  9. I just noticed something a bit odd in panel 5. The terrain is sandstone wash country, with what may be sand on the bottom of the wash they are standing on. It isn’t uncommon in parts of the US Southwest. I notice, however, that up on the rocks outside the wash there are several things on the skyline. On either side of Zonn’s head there is something sticking up from the top of the rock horizon to the left of Zonn’s head, and 2-3 more things sticking up from the rock horizon to the right of Zonn’s head.

    While trees are possible, given the fallen tree on the far left in panel 5, these seem of lesser stature than a tree, even at a distance. Since I sort of doubt that the Sun Tribe would let “Lord Zonn” go out alone in a desert area where numerous baddies roam without, discreetly, following, it is possible those are more Sun Tribe members. Still, …this is “Zonn the Wanderer”. He may have “lit out for the horizon”, and only Chera found him, and those *are* baddies on the skyline.

  10. third time checking in since this page has been posted, and suddenly in my head I found myself imagining the voice of hulk hogan as zonn.

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