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“The Road To You” track by Gyom.    Find his work at soundcloud.com/gyomdude

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The Road To You – Page 1074

72 thoughts on “The Road To You – Page 1074

  1. I decided to try something out that I’ve had in my head for awhile and see if it worked. I think it works, though naturally not as well as it did in my head.

    Warm regards,


    PS – if you want to see a bit higher rez version of it, go to our Youtube channel:


    1. San Bernardino in Atlanta

      Well, after 9 years or so, I’m back. This has been one of the things I have been looking forward to for all that time. It was great. I’m still catching up on things, but I’m impressed with the story thus far.

  2. Yaaaay! I was kinda waiting for a comedy punch, even off screen.

    Zona: They’re really together.
    Mentl: Hmmm Wait for it?
    Tula: Yep.
    *ALL wincing*
    Tula; Aaand balanced.

    1. I’m glad further hitting was skipped. Zonn getting the snot beat out of him by Zona was QUITE enough in that regard. And part of the reason I say, well done Jed. Damn well done.

      1. Thanks!

        Warm regards,


    2. That would have been funny, but not the vibe I was going for. 🙂

      Warm regards,


  3. Nicely done!

    1. Thanks very much!

      Warm regards,


  4. 1) It’s great!
    2) It’s really great!
    3) I think if you work on the timing a little bit it will be closer to what you had in your head (a bit faster to simulate motion better).
    4) Ipola’s design… wow! Just wow man!!! (also, she and Tula really look alike now)!!!

    1. It’s my first effort in this sort of storytelling, so I recognize it’s a bit rough. but thanks very much!

      Warm regards,


  5. Was I the only guy who was thinking, about halfway through, “Jeez, man! Just kiss her already!”? Of course, it was moot, as Ipola took things in hand. 🙂

    1. I was waiting for an “I’m sorry”. I guess his face said it for him though so Ipola skipped to the forgiveness part.

      1. I had more dialogue written in an earlier draft, but I think that this works a bit better.

        Warm regards,


    2. Yeah – that was a call back to their prior lives. 🙂

      Warm regards,


  6. Zona’s world just got rocked and she hasn’t a clue what’s up next.

    1. Indeed. And you all will see it in the next update, which will happen a lot sooner than this one.

      Warm regards,


  7. I’ve been reading this series since the third month or so it was out…and this makes me want to finally say something.

    Well done sir.

    I’m actually a lil teary eyed.

    1. I came in at Great Balls of Fire…

      …I’d say this is Great Sweethearts of Love.

      1. The sparks will fly later, Jean. 😉

        Warm regards,


    2. That was what I was going for. Everyone knows I love a big Hollywood kiss.

      Warm regards,


  8. I have been reading this series for years now and have been happily content reading the comments and not commenting myself however this, THIS was SPECTACULAR! Well done John.

    1. Thanks, darling Savrina. Praise indeed coming from you who know comics so well.

      Warm regards,


  9. In exactly the right moment, my alarm went off (“hey! go to work!”) … and kept the rhythm.

    Never had anything like that happen …

    1. Synchronicity!

      Warm regards,


  10. That was very lovely and wonderful. I’m actually tearing up over it.

    And Zonn, at 0:59, when he couldn’t do anything else but bow his head–I really empathize. I know that feeling, brother.

    1. Thanks. As Capt. Renault said, I’m “just a rank sentimentalist.”

      Warm regards,


  11. Awwwwwwwwwwwww…
    I was just “come on dude, kiss her”…
    But I love also Zona face. She seems to wonder what is going to happen now… somewhat for her. Now she has a mom AND a dad….

    1. Things aren’t the same. And they never will be.


      Warm regards,


  12. The facial expressions, the expressions! Man they really sell it! GOOD JOB, Jed.

    (In Farmer Brown’s Voice) “That will do, Jed. That will do.”

    1. Thanks. That’s one of the reasons the thing took awhile.

      Warm regards,


  13. Not going to lie… almost brought a tear to my eye 🙂 Well done!

    1. Thank you, Coffee.

      Warm regards,


  14. outstanding

    1. Appreciate it, squire.

      Warm regards,


  15. Redheads, always jumpin ya bones when you least expect it..

    1. Well, she’s got about twenty-five years of pent-up stuff that just got let out the gate, as it were.

      So – y’know. 🙂

      Warm regards,


  16. Okay, I am sorry I have to take a quick time to I guess offer Criticism? I think Zonn’s love handles look odd. It looks like fat but he has no fat anywhere else. It’s not something I’ve noticed before

    1. Okay. Doesn’t bother me because the fact is that those are not big love handles for a guy his size, and they were part of the figure design for the “bodybuilder” morph for Michael 4. Plus he’s in pants and not a posing pouch. Nonetheless, we hear you.

      Warm regards,


    2. I’ve seen a number of guys who look about like that. Usually, when guys get that age and get the handles, they stop walking around shirtless, but there are some exceptions.

      Love handles happen to some guys despite their best efforts. And, of course, to everyone like myself who doesn’t make those efforts but live long enough.

      1. Even while having an eight pack? I guess I’ll have to take your word for it.

  17. Also, “The Road To You” is a perfect title.

    1. It’s the title of the track I chose for this sequence. Got it from “Premium Beat” Very reasonable place to get royalty-free music and SFX. I thought that it was as apt as you do, so I used it. The composer is Gyom. See and hear his stuff here:


      Warm regards,


    2. Stick that link right under the video? Good for people that want to check out the artist. Good for the artist.

      1. Excellent idea. I will go ahead and do that. Thanks!

        Warm regards,


  18. You done did it yet again, Jed.

    I’ve been reading for years; vague memories of finding Zona when he and Zona had gone to the town and she was grousing about that preacher. That was the first time I snorted coffee while reading Zona, and there have been many since. That hurts, btw 😉

    Thing is: You have an incredible skill at blindsiding me – and from the comments, many of your readers.

    Yup. You done did it again.

    I was NOT expecting this. I was expecting her to tease him, admonish him in a loving way – and no, I was not expecting her to carry through with her promise from oh so many years ago; that – from all I have absorbed – would not be cha balancing.

    I had a feeling you’d do another blind-siding.

    Yup. You hit it out of the park and then some.

    The emotions, the questioning, the sorrow, the empathy she’s showing and the sorrow, pain he is showing – damn. AND the music.

    This old 68-year old coot of a curmudgeon was already tearing up – and lost it when she said “Come here.”

    Ya know, it’s pretty hard to focus on a screen when the eyes are full of tears.

    Powerful – and well done, sir. Very well done.

    Then – having never heard of the song before, I looked it up, watched the video, read the lyrics.

    Lost it all over again, and sent them to my wife – because yeah; I’d go through all that hell again if that was the only way I could be with her should I have a chance to do it all over.

    Thank You sir. Thank You.

    1. And thank you, Wolf. You folks are the real reason I do this.

      Warm regards,


  19. Very, nicely done, JED, you are the master. I was hoping there would be no fire and thunder. From what you’ve shown us Ipola is wise enough to understand that if there were any way he could have returned to her, he would have.

    1. Ipola is wise enough – though I want to make sure she’s never so wise as to be boring. 🙂

      Warm regards,


  20. Honestly and unexpected outcome for me. I think I like it all the more for it.

    1. Cool! I live for surprising you guys.


      Warm regards,


  21. Just gonna replay this a few times and enjoy this sincere and beautiful moment between them….my fellow fans have articulated it so well already, I’ve nothing to add … except thank-you =D

    1. You’re very welcome.

      And, of course, thanks to you.

      Warm regards,


  22. null

    “Are they still kissing?”

    1. LOL!

      – Warm regards,


  23. Beautiful. Well done, JED. Thank you.

    1. Welcome! And thanks to you as well. 🙂

      Warm regards,


  24. Very, very nice. It’s a great challenge to switch up forms, and this works well.

    I really don’t get those saying, “Kiss her, you idiot.” This society is, very, very serious about honor, and he was unquestionably the one that violated the cha. His shame overcame his ability to speak at the moment. It would have been incredibly presumptuous of him to make the first move like that–probably violating the cha again. Tula’s message would have informed Ipola that in fact his actions have been justifiable, which, given the time she had over the trip, is why she is, to the first degree forgiving him. So much the easier because of his obvious shame.

    So yeah, another big punch would have been funny, but you’re not just for the laughs. Well done.

    1. I thought it was just right, but then I would.

      Thanks, Lurker!

      Warm regards,


  25. Okay, I’m sorry to say it, but this doesn’t work for me at all. I like to read comics and read them in my own time and pace; video like this is not my style. I do hope you will post this as a regular page, too. (Plus I generally listen to my own music when reading, so anything with automatic music is a negative in my book).

    But the designs looks nice as usual, this just isn’t for me.

    1. No need to be sorry! We know as artists that we’ll never be able to please everyone, and you’ll be happy that the next update will be going back to the usual format. I may, at some future time create a regular page that covers this beat, but for the moment I will just be moving on.

      I will still be trying new stuff from time to time, and maybe the next innovation will like you better. 🙂

      Warmest regards,


      1. Good to know, and good luck with it. 🙂 I can understand wanting to try new things, I just think it would work better as side projects than in between the regular pages.

  26. Wonderful! The regular pages are my preference, but I also like variety, so it works. Plus, as an artist, I know it isn’t art for me unless I am exploring possibilities and pushing the boundaries. When it becomes a formula it’s just boring. 🙂

    This is about what I hoped for, and perfectly captured the ability of people who know and love each other that words are often unnecessary for communication.

    Lovely artistry, and a great story masterfully shared. Thank you.. and Bravo!

  27. Well Done JED

  28. It is said that in this world, each soul is divided in two. It is our life’s journey to find our partner that has the other half of our soul…. (Sha’ar Hagilgulim)

  29. This just made me realize how awesome an animated version of the comic would be.

  30. I just love Jeevik’s slight smirk, at the end.
    A truly British butler, excellent-mannered and spoken, in Erogenian clothes.

  31. The version here didn’t work for me, but the high res version can be found here:

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