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ZONN: Gods - I’ve never been this close to one of them before.
IPOLA: Get a good look. You probably never will again.
TULA: Never say “Never,” Mother. The future is going to be very interesting.
IPOLA: Prophesy, daughter?
TULA: Just calculating all the variables, Mother. Everything we know is about to change - and we’ll be like a feather in a windstorm.
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Big Bird – Page 1132

TRANSCRIPT:   ZONN: Gods - I’ve never been this close to one of them before. IPOLA: Get a good look.  You probably never will again. TULA: Never say “Never,” Mother.  The future is going to be very interesting. IPOLA:  Prophesy, daughter? TULA: Just calculating all the variables, Mother.  Everything we know is about to change - and we’ll be like a feather in a windstorm.

16 thoughts on “Big Bird – Page 1132

  1. I just love Tula and Chera together; they make a cute pair. 😀 And I love how Tula seems to have been given Chera’s poncho.

    Will just Ipola go now or are they all going? Mentl have put on his own clothes again, but that doesn’t seem to be the case with Zona and Tula.

    Btw. Jed, the URL puts in “%” around chapters, making it impossible to load the comments page or use the next/last arrows. I figured out what was wrong myself, but you might want to fix it so others can get onto this page instead of getting ‘bad request’.

    1. Hey, Lora – Thanks for the heads up!
      Apparently I dropped a stitch when I posted it and the Chapter heading didn’t take for some reason. All fixed now!
      And yes, Mentl is in his regular clothes. How about that? 😉
      You’ll see all how this falls out in the next several pages.
      Warmest regards.

      1. Mentl is probably the only person to have skin cancer awareness classes.

      2. He’s also not wearing his torc. Is that intentional?

        1. OFFS!
          No, it is not intentional. Just a continuity error. I really need to get more sleep.
          Fixed next page – pay no attention. Nothing to see here …
          Thanks! 🙂
          Warm regards,

        2. You could always include a small panel in the next page where Zona hands Mentl his torc and mentions that it fell during the night or something. Unless, of course, the next page is too far underway to alter that much, in which case just don’t bother.

      3. Mysterius hints are mysterius. 😉

    2. Thanks for bringing it to JED’s notice, Lora!

      Out of curiosity, how did you manage to post a comment? Did you just replace “%chapter%” with “chapter-88”? I should have thought of that myself if so.

      1. Actually, I just removed the extra % and then the URL worked. 🙂

  2. Say, who would be the brune-haired, stout fellow leaning on the rampart, in the background, on Michael’s/Mentl’s right, please?

    1. sharp eyes. I didn’t see him at first i thought you were referring to the butler who looks surprisingly like the Jeeves Butler from Mentl’s fantasy kingdom in the otherwhen. Perhaps he is Zonn’s warchief

      1. Yeah…I’d say that when Tarvik lays someone out and sends them flying, they really go flying, but we saw both of those two after the fight, when Tarvik was paying for damages to the inn.

        1. @SeanR
          Tarvik? I do not remember of a character going by that name.
          Would you please refresh my memory, SeanR?

          Thank you. ^^

        2. I believe he’s referring to when Tethik and the redhead (Borric?) got into the bar brawl when on their super-secret mission to tell the king to get his head out of his rectum.

        3. What Prairie Son said.
          Sorry for the confusion.

  3. I love how Tula seems to be really into Chera now, not to mention how happy she looks in that last panel.

    Hey, I never noticed that before: Ipola (Moon Tribe, silver-themed) has a gold-colored torc, while Zonn (Sun Tribe, gold-themed) has a white torc. Nice cross.

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