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Announcement – This Week

Just to give fair warning, this Saturday I am marrying my silver-bonded best friend and the love of my life. Because the business of a wedding and all that comes after takes precedence you all, Zona's wonderful fans, may experience a bit of a lag in the stream of updates.  I will naturally try to make it up to you in the coming weeks.   Warm regards, JED    

51 thoughts on “Announcement – This Week

  1. Bon Voyage!

    May your bliss be endless.

  2. Congratulations, and I hope that everything goes well on the day and into the future!


    Also, I wish upon you the Blessing of Serenity. May you know know a life of mostly calm but smiling peace. You may know troubles in the years to come, but may your troubles be surmountable, endurable, and releasable from your daily memories, so that you may once again be able to smile in contentment and comfort in your lives together.

    (*Gift given is non-returnable, and covers a multitude of delayed posting sins, so long as you post at least once a month for the next two months, whether it’s a page or just an update on your situation. After that…if you take more than three months…we’re gonna hafta have a little talk, capiche? Congratulations, felicitations, & wishes of serenity for you & yours. Mazel tov, to JED & his Beloved, HAI!!)

  4. …I got stupidly sucked into an archive dive. Pages 40 and 59 won’t load (at least, not in Firefox). Not saying this ’cause I’m in a hurry for you to get ’em reloaded (you got other things planned for this month, duh!), but I just thought I’d let you know.

  5. Let me be among the first to congratulate you. May your blessings be bontiful and bring you both joy.

  6. You owe us nothing, JED. Except, please be happy.

    As always, thank you for the wonderful gift that is Zona. When you return, refreshed and regenerated, and continue the story, that’s the only “make it up to” anyone that that you need volunteer.

    All the best wishes to you and yours for all of ever. Peace and love, bro.

  7. Wonderful news! Congratulations! May your Gold bonded path have adventure and peace of all varieties, with the strength to overcome all obstacles.

  8. Congrats to you both! May the wedding be unrained, may the cake not go un smooshed, may the festivities be joyous and may the honeymoon last into your anniversaries.

  9. Congratulations!!! I’m impressed you’ve still been updating at all with all the wedding planning business going on. Enjoy yourself tomorrow!

  10. I just wanted to say “Mazel Tov!”


    May you both live long and happy together, with love, joy, hope and peace!

    Take all the time you need to be a proper husband! We’ll be here when you get back (possibly still celebrating). First round of mango juice is on me!

  12. May you feel no rain,
    for each of you will be a shelter to the other.
    May you feel no cold,
    for each of you will be warmth to the other.
    May there be no loneliness for you;
    Though you are two persons,
    but there is one life before you.
    May you go to your dwelling place
    to enter into the days of your togetherness.
    And may your days be good and long together.

  13. Coolio. Congratulations.
    You’re in for a wild, and fun, and rewarding ride.
    But you already know that.
    Eric Hines

  14. Congratulations! May you both have a long and happy life together.

  15. Most excellent, sir. May your life together be long and warm and a treasure to you both and those around you. L’chaim!

  16. Congratulations to you both, sir. May your life together be long, warm, and a blessing to both you and those around you. L’ chaim!

  17. Well heck! How terrific for you! have a wonderful wedding and weekend and honeymoon- we’ll see you when!

  18. All the best for the two if you!
    Blessing upon you (meaning my best wishes and a sprinkle of more).

    Have fun and don’t worry about us!

  19. Wow, grats! Have a wonderful time and don’t worry about us; we’ll be here when you get back.

  20. Congrats and best wishes

  21. Congratulations, JED! Long life and happiness to you both!

  22. Congratulations! Also – that 3D gown trim looks suspiciously like sack canvas, which is to say, Zona looks hella good in a sack!

    1. I think it’s supposed to be tulle though the texture and opaqueness of it doesn’t quite match. The look doesn’t match any of the materials used for western wedding dresses, but I think Jed might have had other more important things on his mind than researching wedding dress fabrics. 😉 (And rightly so).

  23. Congratulations!

  24. May you (all) live happily ever after!! XOX

  25. Yay! Congratulations JED. “May you live as long as you love and love as long as you live.”

  26. Congratulations!!

  27. Congratulations 🙂 hope the happiness last a lifetime.

  28. Congratulations and wishing you the best of everything on your wedding day!

  29. Congratulations.

  30. Congratulations JED and Loved One.
    May the One who invented Love shine in your lives for the rest of your days.

  31. Best wishes for your new life together with your new partner. May the sun shine on you.

  32. Just wanted to add myself to the list of people wishing you both many happy years together.

  33. Congratulations yet again! I guess we can learn live with a bit of a wait.

  34. Just remember this simple phrase:
    Happy Wife, happy life!

    Also I don’t wish people luck anymore, instead I hope for your continued success!

  35. Mazel Tov! Best wishes to you and your beloved as you continue your journey together within the book of life. =D

  36. Mazel Tov!! Blessings to you both- may your lives and your love be long together.

  37. Congratulations!

  38. Congratulations! I wish both of you well and for many happy years to come. 😀

  39. Lurveley page, this. Beannachtaí dia agamh!

  40. Wonderful! I hope your lives will amount to many, many lovely years together. Mazel Tov!

  41. In case anyone is interested, I went archive divin’ and found the Kivalian ceremony for when Keltan and Liri got married…


  42. So is she going to carry you over the threshold? 8D

  43. Congratulations, JED. May you and yours have a life of peace, serenity and a reason to smile each day.

  44. Crazeyal (*DAH DEBIL*)

    You owe us nothing. You have been polite, professional, and giving. May your day be filled with joyous noise! We will be here when you finish with real life!

  45. Congrats!! Enjoy the marriage, not just the wedding. (Been married for 11 years myself and still love it.)

  46. Big congratulation in advance.

  47. Can’t go away for a bit and you get married. Mazel Tov to the 10th power! BTW, I was 26 and 5’8″ and my bride was 19 and a 6 foot Polish blonde. They said I robbed the biggest cradle in Colorado Springs. I had black hair like Mentl, but being in the military for another 6 weeks, the beard didn’t come till months later.

  48. Congrats, JED!! That’s awesome to hear!!

    There’s a blessing that I typically give to newlyweds. It takes some thought when you first see or hear it, but trust me.

    May today be the worst day of your marriage.

    And for clarity’s sake, I will explain. I simply hope and wish that every day of your marriage is better than the one before. Many, many blessings to you and your other half. Enjoy each other on this next chapter!

  49. Well, well, well… congratulations, and, as the Irish say, “may your troubles be less, and your blessings be more, and may nothing but happiness come through your door”.

  50. congradulations

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