Weirdness – Page 1277

11 thoughts on “Weirdness – Page 1277

  1. I just wanna say, I freakin LOVE the shift in her expression showing Vito is driving.

  2. “You don’t tell me what he would want when he can’t speak for himself!”

    Well… she doesn’t either. He’s out of action for a few weeks. Then what? Stay moping around, doing absolutely zilch?
    King Tor showed much more diplomacy and patience than I’d be inclined to show.

    1. She’s acting like any other woman in love and their love is badly hurt, she’ll come around, more so if he talked through Tula to her. Or at least Vito explains that’s he’s fine and training up while recouping. Mentl will be the “hail-mary” play once he’s back and better trained anyway.

      1. He will be the… “hail-Mary”? I didn’t know that expression.

        1. “Hail Mary” refers to either the “Ave Maria” prayer, or to a pretty much desperate attempt to achieve a great gain. In this case, I agree Mentl’s return will greatly benefit the Erogenian side, but I’m not sure it’s desperate to expect him back.

  3. Vito isn’t good, he’s chaotic neutral! He’s just a friendly “spirit” wizard that’s being helpful to the hero’s in the strip. In RL he’d be the creepy old dude chasing the roller skate hotties on the boardwalk with his tongue out panting, while making squeezing motions with his hands at their butts.

  4. I mean, there’s no need for anyone to speak for him. Convincing her to go and fight can be done without putting words in Mentl’s mouth. Her being offended at someone trying to speak for him is an emotional reaction, sure, but an understandable one.

  5. I’m Glad JED is on the mend, even if I didn’t know there was a JED that was in NEED of a mend. But it is a good thing a mouse is less than ten pounds and you don’t need to lift a keyboard. Do you see what happens when you move out of California? Do you JED? Take two spinach smoothies and a Yoga class and call us in the morning!

  6. Well, Vito the Messenger just appeared. 😉 I guess he’ll have a message for Zona from Mentl.

  7. @Scarsdale
    Chaotic? Eh, maybe. But not full-on so.
    Neutral? He’s not. Otherwise he wouldn’t bother with teaching Michael Levy (Mentl) and pep-talking to him, Tula, or Zona when they need to. He is good. Maybe half-way between lawful and chaotic, but good he is.

  8. “In RL he’d be the creepy old dude chasing the roller skate hotties on the boardwalk with his tongue out panting, while making squeezing motions with his hands at their butts.”

    So far, Vito’s been civilised enough to try and sweet-talk Tula first and,
    while not exactly hyper-subtle, has been cordial and hasn’t insisted too crassly.

    But someone like him would, eh… maybe indeed think about that chasing stuff.
    Quite cartooney, when I imagine it. ^^

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