On the Bridge of the Tower Of The Moon
Mentl and Zona walk in their serious clothes purposefully
MENTL: As if I could stop you.
ZONA: I couldn’t stop you, either once you make your mind up …
Enter TULA
TULA: But I can stop you, and I will.
ZONA: Tula, you –
TULA: I thought you might pull a stunt like this. You are staying right here in the Valley.
ZONA: You can’t –
TULA: Oh, yes I can. This time. Zona, I hate to pull rank, but Mother made me regent in her absence. Which means when she’s not here I speak for her.
ZONA: And you think she’d prevent me from going out to look for her myself?
TULA: You know the answer to that as well as I do.
ZONA: Tula! I have to do something! I’m going out of my mind!
TULA: And you think I’m not?
On the Bridge of the Tower Of The Moon
Mentl and Zona walk in their serious clothes purposefully
MENTL: As if I could stop you.
ZONA: I couldn’t stop you, either once you make your mind up ...
Enter TULA
TULA: But I can stop you, and I will.
ZONA: Tula, you -
TULA: I thought you might pull a stunt like this. You are staying right here in the Valley.
ZONA: You can’t -
TULA: Oh, yes I can. This time. Zona, I hate to pull rank, but Mother made me regent in her absence. Which means when she’s not here I speak for her.
ZONA: And you think she’d prevent me from going out to look for her myself?
TULA: You know the answer to that as well as I do.
ZONA: Tula! I have to do something! I’m going out of my mind!
TULA: And you think I’m not?
10 thoughts on “Out Of My Mind – Page 1196”
Uh! I like this look on Tula!
And looks like there’s no questing for Zona and Mentl today.
1)__Zona may be in need of some reassuring sisterly hugs, here.
2)__What are the odds that Mentl, while dressing, might’ve sent-out a “heads-up” to Tula (on the “DL”), so that she could be ready-&-waiting to catch them as they started to leave? He’s more-than-aware of how Tula has far better insight into what needs to be said, & **HOW** to say it, in such a way that even a stubborn Warrior-Princess can’t ignore it.
3)__Zona’s reward for listening to Tula & staying put?
The sight of her mom, escorted by the Giants, coming over the hill, together. They were already headed to this realm, to see about adopting a cub-or-2, when they came to Ipola’s rescue, so it only makes sense that they’d provide her with company & safe escort the rest of the way.
I love Thucy’s quote.
‘Tis a good choice, mate.
That is quite some stopping power, Tula. Well done.
@ DMC_Run: I would defenitively agree on 1) & 3), 2) is possible, but then again Tula knows her sister very well, so she could easily have anticipated that move.

I’m re-examining Panel_2, & now I’m thinking, if Tula is arriving by magical means, then perhaps all she needed to do was “mark” a passageway with a magical “tag”, to notify her if-&-when Zona passed thru it. Just choose a location that Zona would only use if she was leaving.
Kai Henningsen
Hmm. If any searching for info needs doing, I’d expect better results from Tula and/or Mentl, than from Zona. After info is in, now, that might well change …
[Kai Henningsen]:
I’m actually surprised that no mention has been made so far of Mentl already trying to scry for Ipola’s location.
I’m not automatically expecting that scrying would be a talent that he’s familiar with
(most of his skill seems to be focused on combat-related magics)
…but the local mages might be able to help him to try his luck.
Just yeah. Hell yeah, I love this comic. Only way to make it better is if Mentl plays something t welcome her Majesty home.