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5 thoughts on “Page 1311 – Rematch

  1. He better hope she didn’t bring a chess set… those things can be deadly!

  2. Hmm… Time for Mentl to appear? Nah, soon though…

  3. Shame she didn’t just flick him off of his dragon, but he’d probably be prepared for that, too.

  4. That was a “simple” binding spell, I’m sure she’s just seeing how much he’s improved since their last fight. Just like the Jedi and the Sith, one side is quicker and easier, the other is more powerful. The Sith claim they are stronger until the big guns come out. I figured that armor would help Keltan too, the only thing that could hurt him is magic. IF the Queen got involved, Gorshash would run for the hills and plan his next move. I’m sure if Mentl showed up, he’d turn this arse inside out!

  5. Yeah! New page. And it’s shaping up for a lovely magick battle.

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