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22 thoughts on “High-flying Hocus Pocus – Page 1312

  1. An embarrassingly long time has once again gone by between updates. The truth is I got caught up an a couple of real-world creative theatrical projects as well as the practical aspects of putting a new roof and solar panels on the old homestead. Not an excuse, but it’s the truth.

    But now, I have found the time to try to make it up to all of youse, and I hope you all will still stick around to see and enjoy it!

    Warmest regards,


  2. Oh, great to see a new page, Jed. 🙂 Much appreciated.
    And I totally get getting caught up in other things; some times you just gotta get stuff done. Will continue checking in here on the regular.

  3. I can relate, in the last 4 years, I had to get my neck fused, developed heart trouble, my cancer returned, (in remission now) and a slue of other minor health issues. My wife fell and broke her hip, they had to replace the joint 2 years ago. My father is 90 (I’m his care-giver) and has dementia. Yeah, been kinda busy myself. Don’t get old, it sux…
    I love your comic, I’ve been following for many years now, I don’t mind if RL gets in the way for you. We can wait!

  4. A Wizard of Id reference. Love it.

    1. Agreed. Johnny Hart would be proud.

  5. Hey, RL has a habit of that. But on the plus side, it clearly allowed you time for your brain to process the layout for this page in the background, and the results are very dynamic.

    I especially like the final panel cliffhanger, even though I knoe full well that, Tula, of all people, will have her shields up for dragon breath weapons. 🙂

    1. Some times, “Been there, done that” doesn’t quite cover it, but it does help to have support. I’d love to see Keltan to throw his morning star at either the dragon or Gorslash while he’s distracted, but that might put an end to the story line a bit premature. Granted Gorslash could beg to get resurrected again, all we can do is wait and see.

  6. @Scarsdale Dammit Scarsdale! Now I can’t complain! Jeez, you took all the fun out of it.

    Nice to see a new page JED, looking forward to RL taking a break…

    1. LOL, sorry. I just wanted to give support and a few words of encouragement. I was working on a web toon about 20 years ago myself, but in that case I trusted the wrong person with my concept art and a rough-sketched opening comic and they stole the idea, In a display of karma, he screwed it up and it bombed, so maybe it was for the best.

  7. I’m just hoping she remembered her opponent would be riding a flame-breathing dragon, and prepared accordingly. (This IS Tula, after all!)

  8. Good to see you back in business…and I see you were a Wizard of Id fan, too.

    1. Perhaps the flame will be like that Russian AA missile that did an immediate U-turn back to its own launcher. (I know it’s impossible but is it not beautiful to imagine?)

  9. Nice work! It’s panels like these that keep us coming back (as well as the sexy heroines, of course)!

    I have done some theatre, so I get that lure, and congrats on getting the old homestead more self sufficient!

  10. I’m seriously thinking of doing a re-read here, it’s been ages since I did that, so I might be behind on the lore a bit. When dealing with an evil “god” they do tend to break the rules a bit. At some point, someone is going to have to reaffirm the seals placed on “Scumch” ( I think that was his name) so he will stop messing with our hero’s and torment the planet.

  11. I remember the last Urtt that was yelling “Pratha”. Kelten took care of that nicely. Do it again! Now I’ve scratched that itch and need to go find the panel again.

  12. Lightning Bolt!
    Lightning Bolt!
    Lightning Bolt!
    Magic Missile!
    Lightning Bolt!

    1. “prismatic sphere” start making them saving throws since you didnt specify what spheres you were targeting….

  13. Dude! thats the kind of shit we LIKE to hear is causing a delay! when you say Theatrical. im assuming small-time shoe string drama/plays? and solar panels on the roof, ALWAYS a great fucking investment. its fun to come home and find out you’re supplying power to the grid and they local P&L company has to be paying YOU.

  14. @Freelance
    Still that Wizard War, eh?


  15. Yay! New page! Worth the wait. 🙂

  16. All we need is a couple ZOT bolts and we got it.

    1. Keltan and his Morning star would take care of the issue, even if Gorslash was to block it, the distraction would allow Tula to at least knock him off the dragon.

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Rich Morris – YAFGC Patreon

One of my favorite webcomics is “Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic” (https://www.yafgc.net/). Its creator, Rich Morris is a telented professional who has been creating these delightful fun, engaging and funny long form fantasy comics for years. At long last he’s got himself a Patreon site so that we can give back a little for all the free stuff he’s put out there.
My Zonaphiles will recall when he did the portrait of Zona and Mentl, and now as part of my Patreon-age, he’s doing a finished portrait of my choice. And I chose Ipola. The prelim sketches see below.

I cannot urge you strongly enough to support art, and support artists, and support this artist and his art.


Warmest regards,


At Last! “Challenges Of Zona – Confessions” Visual Novel

Frigging finally, after hours and hours of solitary toil to make a visual novel/game of Zona (including an abortive attempt to export it which meant I had to practically recreate it from scratch) I have a 0.01 beta version as a demo. It is short and a bit rough around the edges, but I hope you all have fun with it.

Set in the master bedroom of the Hollywood mansion right after their engagement party, it’s where Zona confesses to her new silver-bonded Mentl the one thing that she has been keeping to herself forever.

In a way, this returns Zona to her origins in the adult find-your-path books she was created for, as the visual novel medium is just a higher tech version of that. Also, it’s very dirty. Definitely NOT safe for work.

I think of this as a “proof of concept” for one more product and direction we can take the characters and reward my wonderful Zonaphiles. Frankly, I think she lends herself to this medium pretty handily.

A one dollar patronage at patreon.com/JEDraft gets you access to this and much more!

Warm regards,


Valentine’s Day Sex Drive 2020!

This year we are once again participating in a sexy web comics promotion.  We have a nice little pinup most of you would enjoy, and links there for a lot of other folks’ comics and sexy art: 

Valentine’s Day Sex Drive 2020

MST3KFan – POW! Right in the Nostalgia | Lou Graziani – Cy-Boar | Bumblebee – Drive On | Darksh1ne – Monstroniverse Adventures | The Letter M – The Restless Dead | Jay042 – Kaza’s Mate Gwenna | The D-Wrek – Twenty Four Seven | Blue Dragon – Dark Horse | Montis Echo Boeher – Glitch | Gojiramon – CKarrus | Lightfoot – Pulse | Team Lady Valiant – Lady Valiant | Midnight – Danger Zone One | utzsar – Rocks | Ebenezer Splooge – Hentai Poster Company | Ebenezer Splooge – Portcall Uranus | Ebenezer Splooge – PronQuest | Ebenezer Splooge – SFW Hentai | Ebenezer Splooge – Hentai High School | Ebenezer Splooge – Mammazon | Stilldown – Ariane Eldar’s Personal Place | Stilldown – Theater Of The Bloody Tongue | Barry Linck – Phineus: Magician for Hire | Barry Linck – Phineus | Amy Letts – Epic Fail | Sheryl Schopfer – Sharpclaw | Sheryl Schopfer – Deer Me | Julie Devin – Monster Soup | J.E. Draft – The Challenges of Zona | Jaycee Knight – Bloomin’ Faeries | Peter Anckorn – By The Book | The Blood Teller – Alvery Nerveaux’s Secret Case Files | Microraptor – Cryptida | rulerbrain – Selling Smiles | Caley Tibbittz Collopy – SwordCat Knights | Andrew Hunter – Delve | Mark Egan – Bata Neart | Mark Egan – Back Office | Alli Perry – My Hero! | Marshall Reeves – Yesterday Bound | Dizzaster Juice – WhiteOut | Dizzaster Juice – Offworld: The Crease | Zach Vanzile – West Tree Academy of Heroes | Ben Bourbon – Devilbear: The Grimoires of Bearalzebub | MonicaNG – MoonSlayer | John Harrington – Super Rivals | Lirvilas – Grinder$ | Lirvilas – Flyover Country | Arne Cooper – The Androssian Prophecy | Sean Harrington – Spying With Lana | yellowgerbil – Zoe the Vampire | Nick Greaves – The Great Isle of Prentil | Jacob Jones – Ayuri | Scott T. Hicken – Dark Reflections – Zen | Scott T. Hicken – Dark Reflections – Chaos | Scott T. Hicken – Exiern: Dark Reflections | Scott T. Hicken – Exiern | Stef Marcinkowski – Sarah Zero



My people, this is a global ecological emergency.  *All* of us need to pitch in as best we can.

So if it helps you get motivated,  then Zona, Mentl and all their friends are willing to bare it all for you to get the resources where they’re needed.  Send me an email with a forwarded receipt or screen grab of an Australian 10 dollar (or above) donation and we’ll send you a nice sexy pic of the “Challenges of Zona” character of your choice.

I chose these two organizations as being the ones that will help the wildlife and the people, but I am willing to accept any proof of (recent) donation to any accredited relief organization dedicated to assisting with the fight against these horrific bush fires Down Under.  

I’m a Californian, and I have seen my share of nasty wildfires, even more and worse in recent years. The Australian fires make anything I had to be evacuated from seem like a grease fire in my kitchen.  If you think you are safe from the effects of this disaster because you live on the other side of the world, think again.  This is worse than any fantasy world-beater my imagination could come up with.  I have given and will give again.  

For those of you who just like to click: 



Red Cross: 


I’ve given and will give again next paycheck.  How about you?

Warmest regards,


Zona G8 Mk2

Just at the moment, we’re temporarily stalled on the animation project. So we’ve taken advantage of the lull to revisit the Gen 8 model of Zona, and I think this time, even more than last, we’ve hit it on the head. So Brian came up with a couple of pinups of her of which this is a closeup. If you want to see more (much more) become a Patreon patron at https://www.patreon.com/JEDraft

Warm regards, all!


That’s right – from now through August 14th,  all new rewards will be unlocked for all Patreon patrons of The Challenges Of Zona!  This will give our one dollar Erogenians a taste of what they’ve been missing, and hopefully encourage others to become patrons and sample our best stuff! 

And as for you others who have already given above and beyond, have no fear.  August and September we will have a Double Rewards promotion with biweekly Sexy Stuff, Throwbacks and other goodies to reward you for your patience and generosity.  

Just sign up for one thin US Dollar at:


Warmest Regards, 


R.I.P – P-Chan

My heart is heavy tonight. We had to say goodbye to my dear constant companion and the inspiration for all the black cats in “Challenges Of Zona”, my beloved friend, P-Chan.
He was very old and finally was very confused and in great pain. So we eased him into Summerland Thursday evening.
Nonetheless, he’s still there in the past and in my memories, and in Inky and in Incus and in the one-eyed winged cat from the Otherwhen. (Yes, long-time readers will remember when he lost his eye to an abcess, years ago.)

He was a very very very good boy.

Warm regards,

RIP, Peter Tork.

When the world and I were young, just yesterday
Life was such a simple game a child could play

It was easy then to tell right from wrong
Easy then to tell weak from strong
When a man should stand and fight
Or just go along

But today, there is no day or night
Today, there is no dark or light
Today, there is no black or white
Only shades of gray

I remember when the answer seemed so clear
We had never lived with doubt, or tasted fear

It was easy then to tell truth from lies
Selling out from compromise
Who to love and who to hate
The foolish from the wise

But today, there is no day or night
Today, there is no dark or light
Today, there is no black or white
Only shades of gray

It was easy then to know what was fair
When to keep and when to share
How much to protect your heart
And how much to care

But today, there is no day or night
Today, there is no dark or light
Today, there is no black or white
Only shades of gray
Only shades of gray…