IPOLA: For anything else, for anyone else it wouldn’t be, Zonn, but this is you, this is me, this is for the world. Not an exaggeration! The world! It is that simple, dammit - I need to know!
ZONN: And you can’t give me one day?
IPOLA: How many days does Erogenia have? I left in the middle of a crisis …
ZONN: All I’m saying is don’t pressure me like this. Or I swear it’ll be like Mimos all over again!
IPOLA: Oh - so!
ZONN: Yes!
IPOLA: Now you bring that up? Now?! Have you been storing that hurt up for twenty-five years just to throw it in my face again? We weren’t any kind of a chain, Zonn! And you refused to wear one, so -
ZONN: I refused? You refused to have any chain but your goddam crown! It still hurt!
IPOLA: And what you did hurt me twice as much! Don’t you blame me for your sexual impulses!
ZONN: I’m not blaming you for that - but it just seems as soon as I find a little peace ...
IPOLA: Don’t you DARE turn your back on me --
ZONN: Hey - this is my tribe, not yours! Not yet, anyway!.
IPOLA: Oo! You -- you --
MENTL: We’re not … gonna ever fight like that - are we?
ZONA: Depends. Are you planning to disappear for twenty-five years ?
MENTL: No, ma’am.
ZONA: Good. Six months without you was hard enough.

ZONA: When the time came, Kevin had me put my good foot in his hands and just “whoosh!” sent all three of us flying into the hole in the worlds!
KID1: Wow! He must be strong!
MENTL: Oh yeah. He’s … legendary in my world.
KID2: Is he as strong as Zonn?
KID1: NO-body is as strong as Zonn!
MENTL: Well, I don’t know, but he’s probably the strongest man in my world. If “man” even applies to him.
KID3: Who would win in a fight? If Zonn and him had a fight?
ZONA: Oh - I don’t …
KID2: Zonn can beat anybody!
KID3: He can lift anything! He kills the big monsters with his bare hands and stuff!
MENTL: Aren’t you forgetting something?
KID3: What?
MENTL: Well … what would they be fighting about? Zonn’s a really good guy, and so’s Kevin. I think they wouldn’t fight each other. I think they’d probably team up.
KID3: Ohh … yeah.
ZONA: I don’t know how it goes here yet, but back home we sometimes have contests and we fight for fun. But Kevin’s not an Erogenian - he’s a different sort of person. I saw him stop a fight and make it all right with everybody just by talking and calming people down. I think that shows a lot of strength, too. A different kind of strength. I think he would rather not fight at all if you gave him a choice. I think Zonn - well from what I’ve seen my father is kind of like that now, as well. He’s ...
IPOLA: “Hectoring?” Where did you even learn that word? You mean “nagging” don’t you?
ZONN: No, no, I don’t. Besides, I know you don’t like me to say the “N” word unless I’m talking about horses. But it’s just not that simple, Ipola!


IPOLA: He is a powerful enchanter - yes, we need him, too. And we need you.
ZONN: What about my tribe, Ipola?
IPOLA: Any warriors - every one of your warriors willing to fight. I need them.
ZONN: I … How do we get them there? It’s fifteen hundred miles. They can’t all ride aburori.
IPOLA: Almost no one can. This was a one-time favor from a good friend.
ZONN: So how?
IPOLA: I can find a way. We can find a way. I just need to know if you will come. If I call, will you come?
ZONN: For you, Ipola … if it was just me … I can’t speak for everyone.
IPOLA: Of course. So please hold a council, get an answer. I have to leave in three days.
ZONN: We’ll have the gathering tomorrow.
IPOLA: Ah. All right, thank you.
ZONN: At that time I’ll ask them if they want to pledge fealty - or not.
ZONN: We have something here of our own, Ipola. The young folk have never known Erogenia - or you. And it’s a long way away. Also - a lot of my warriors have never known real war. I do my best to train them, but … well, that thing you were talking about earlier? About finding a new way? We might have stumbled on it, accidentally. We live in peace with the Nassim. And we … we tend not to get into stupid fights like we did when I was young at home. We solve our problems most of the time without bashing each other. Our enemies are monsters and animals and the heat and sandstorms. It’s a harsh life, but ...

ZONN: Dragons …
ZONN: Not even in my day …
IPOLA: In no one’s day, Zonn. Not for three thousand years or more. But this is still our day. Our day didn’t end when we stopped being young. Yours, mine - all of us. And it’s the reason I did one of the stupidest things I have done in a long time by leaving Erogenia and coming here.
ZONN: On the back of a giant bird. (grins) Well … I don’t know about stupid. It was pretty Erogenian.
IPOLA: Sometimes, my old love, it’s much the same thing.
ZONN: You looked damn good doing it.
IPOLA: Zonn … we need you. This … more than anything is why I had to come find you. We need your strength, which I can see you still have. We need the inspiration you provide, we need a legend on the battlefield.
ZONN: You have Zona …
IPOLA: And thank the Goddess for her and for her sister, but at this point we need everything we can get.
ZONN: You also have Mentl.
IPOLA: Yes, of course, Mentl.
ZONN: He’s a good lad. And damn, you should have seen what he did. A goddam thunderbolt from the sky ...

NARR: A new day.
ZONN: Well, that’s impressive. Only you could have pulled it off.
IPOLA: It was a group effort - and we had luck on our side.
ZONN: The Draconians and the Thrasans marching together. I would never have thought it.
IPOLA: They get along about as well as you’d expect.
ZONN: As well as we did with Kendrik’s people?
IPOLA: A bit better in some ways, worse in others. I swear if it hadn’t been for a bit of kismet, it mightn’t have happened at all.
NARR: A week earlier, in Greymouth.
THERIK: This is blasphemy! Blasphemy, your Majesty!
IPOLA: I know you weren’t chosen for your brains, Bishop, but try to get a few things through your head:
THERIK: You are just a … a … an Erogenian phantom! Why do you even listen to her, your Majesty?
GUDIK: Because she’s a Majesty, too and we’ll all listen to her, understood?
THRASAN: Dry work, eh?



ZONA:  Come on - it’s second dance!

MENTL: Right on.


ZONA: What?

MENTL: Where’d your folks go?

ZONA:  Maybe they went to dance somewhere more private?