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6 thoughts on “Page 1310 – Breach the Gates

  1. The last victim of dragonfire on page 1307 was instantly reduced to bones. Keltan looks like he may come out with a mild sunburn.

  2. He was hit by dragon fire before, all he said was a small ow. and then spoke to the dragon and the rider whacked his dragon. In response Keltan used his club to make a red mist! Giants are very flame resistant, they are the answer to dragon attacks. Seems plug-ugly doesn’t know that, or thinks it’s magic that can be worn off him.

  3. I hope he remembered to put on sunscreen that morning 🙁

  4. Magik armor ain’t gonna melt and I hope Keltan will use YOYODYNE on the riders, not the dragons. Great page.
    How’s life JED, Are you doing okay? Been following you since day one of Zona and even have your comics. Your pace seems to be slowing down and I’m really kind of worried about you. Hope all is well, take care.

  5. Well, Smasher/Crusher is about to get some more action, I think. And Gorshash is about to find out that giants don’t burn.

  6. Keltan took the full breath attack of a Dragon wearing nothing but a loincloth. With that armor I doubt he’s going to be inconvenienced at all.

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