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20 thoughts on “One Less Problem – Page 1309

  1. Ha! That weapon just magicked itself back into his hand. Very nice. ;D

  2. Neurotic giant has a Mjölnir. Woo. 🙂

  3. Called it! What good is a powerful, magical, weapon that could be easily lost in battle? Now he knows he can
    repeat that attack on a group and take them all out in one blow. or focus on the dragon riders, freeing the
    dragons from their slavery.

  4. I. AM. WORTHY!!!

  5. I’ll pass on the obvious pun about how his arm will feel later on.

  6. “I’m still worthy, Mother!”

  7. Mjolner, with spikes.

  8. I burst out laughing when it zipped right back into his hand. The “Well…all right, then.” was *chef’s kiss*.

  9. Yup! We all knew this was the thing. That’s going to be a major force multiplier. Dunno what he’s going to call it but he has to give it a name. Great weapons gotta have a name. Mjolnir would be too easy, how about a naming contest among the readers here. I’d suggest “YOYODYNE” because ‘yoyo’ returns, ‘dyne’ reflects power, and also ‘Buckaroo Banzai’.

  10. A naming contest? Huh let’s go for Artsy. “Spiked Crusty Thing” has too many syllables. How about “Bob”? (Big Obvious Bruiser)

  11. Where the future begins tomorrow.
    Because anything hit by that thing is going to be out for at least 24 hours.

  12. He’ll need a lot of practice to master its flight-and-return properties…

    …good thing he’s in a target-rich environment. *dons sunglasses* BD

  13. Name for a boomerang spike mace?

  14. …I’d say a good name would be “Ouch!”

  15. @Jean. the only problem is, no one who knows why it is called that would get a chance to say it…

  16. With that big of a mace, something simple like “ouch” or “boomer” isn’t enough, how about “The Pain”? or “The Agony?”

  17. @SFCGator:
    I’d like to cast my vote for calling it “SQUISH”, since that’s the sound that Urtts make when they meet.

  18. “Karma”
    Because what goes around, comes around. And because it’s being used as an equalizer.
    Although, considering the setting, probably “Cha”.

  19. Karma sounds good, but if you use “Cha” then how many dad jokes will be told using “Cha-Cha-Cha…” Hey I’m 64, with 4 grand kids, I have a right to tell dad jokes! 😛

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