Ha HA! I knew mama dragon would tip the fight. Gorslash can’t focus on just one thing. He has to control everything. and it always bites him in the butt. Or in this case; blasts him in the chest and a fall to the ground…
Thanks to all you guys out there who have helped us make a great start on our goal! And as promised, I’m starting a 12-page one off story for my more generous patrons.  It’s funny how the One Possible Future daughter of Zona and Mentl has come up again in the comments, because she’s the central character in this little tale. It’s not a great epic adventure, but you get to see Rachel deal with some of the problems of adolescence in a strange world – Earth. If you want to see this and other extras, (including all the sexy stuff) come put a few sheckels into the kitty to help make Zona come to life in an animated series!  Warm regards – JED
Thanks to all of you for your continued support of Zona! We’re getting more patrons every week, and they get desktops, artwork, sketches and updates before everyone else. Today we put up the second NSFW calendar desktop, starring my favorite Killer Queen, Yanora in a scene that’s quite a bit more explicit than any of you have heretofore seen!
So help us to reach our goals and get all the rewards that Challenges of Zona can bestow!
Warmest Regards,
Hi Kids.
I told you all a bit ago that there was an announcement, and indeed there is.
See, here’s my idea. I have been doing a web comic for over 11 years now, and I have accumulated a story and characters and a whole world – as well as you, my friends and readers. It’s very rewarding and I will not be giving it up at all.
In fact, we’re gonna take it to the next level. I will be using my Patreon account with a fundraising goal of ten thousand dollars to hire animators to translate Zona, Mentl and all of Erogenia into an animated short. This will be the launching point for getting backers and making a regular ongoing series of sexy, fun, entertaining fantasy all based on the Challenges Of Zona.
So I am putting this out – please help. Give as little as a dollar a month. Skip the coke machine once or twice – water’s better for you anyway. If you give more, you get more. More stuff, more rewards! It’s all on the page which is now LIVE!
And when we get to the goal, you my patrons will share in the glory that is a fully realized Zona and her adventures!
Check out my video:
So give a dollar, give as much as you can! You will not be sorry!
Warmest regards,
Basically I have had to Trash the entire site – though I naturally have all the content saved in numerous backups, never fear.
Still, it has not turned out to be an easy fix, and so will take extra time.
The up side is that this will allow me to make fixes and upgrades to the site which I had been putting off, and should allow a much more enjoyable experience!
Warmest regards,
3 thoughts on “SMACK! – Page 1318”
E Hines
Unchain my heart, unchain my dragon, it’s all the same in the end.
Eric Hines
Cry ‘Havoc and Let Slip The Dragons of War!
Ha HA! I knew mama dragon would tip the fight. Gorslash can’t focus on just one thing. He has to control everything. and it always bites him in the butt. Or in this case; blasts him in the chest and a fall to the ground…
Latest Comics
#1366. The Straight Dope – Page 1278
1 12521 May 28, 2023
#1365. Weirdness – Page 1277
1 18138 May 18, 2023
#1364. Hold Yer Horses – Page 1276
0 15270 May 10, 2023
#1363. I’m Just Fine – Page 1275
0 5579 Apr 30, 2023
#1362. Something Sneaky – Page 1274
1 10453 Apr 16, 2023
#1361. He Aiten’t Dead – Page 1273
0 9655 Apr 05, 2023
#1360. Your Own Two Feet – Page 1272
0 19696 Mar 24, 2023
#1359. Everything’s Just Fine – Page 1271
0 12532 Mar 17, 2023
#1358. Reason Not The Need – Pg1270
1 9255 Mar 12, 2023
#1357. Big Ideas – Page 1269
0 11363 Mar 07, 2023
Latest Chapters
SMACK! – Page 1318
Thanks to all my Patrons!!
Thanks to all you guys out there who have helped us make a great start on our goal! And as promised, I’m starting a 12-page one off story for my more generous patrons.  It’s funny how the One Possible Future daughter of Zona and Mentl has come up again in the comments, because she’s the central character in this little tale. It’s not a great epic adventure, but you get to see Rachel deal with some of the problems of adolescence in a strange world – Earth. If you want to see this and other extras, (including all the sexy stuff) come put a few sheckels into the kitty to help make Zona come to life in an animated series!  Warm regards – JED
New Patreon Goodies Every Week!
Thanks to all of you for your continued support of Zona! We’re getting more patrons every week, and they get desktops, artwork, sketches and updates before everyone else. Today we put up the second NSFW calendar desktop, star
ring my favorite Killer Queen, Yanora in a scene that’s quite a bit more explicit than any of you have heretofore seen!
So help us to reach our goals and get all the rewards that Challenges of Zona can bestow!
Warmest Regards,
We Are Live At Patreon
Still Working On It